Part one- On the road

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The window was open as they drove down the road, which blew lots of wind inside of the vehicle, while Vivi was looking through tons of books and websites for theories about the town that they were visiting, Lewis was at the wheel of the Van driving, he was wearing sunglasses to hide his eyes, Arthur on the other hand was snoring in the back of the van asleep and Mystery was sitting in the back with Arthur being awfully quiet, like he was nervous about something and didn't want to say anything just yet.

Vivi looked away from her books to see Arthur asleep, she waited for when they were at a stoplight to slightly nudge Lewis, Lewis glanced over at Arthur and smiled softly, Vivi giggles as she said "Doesn't Arthur look so comfy when he's asleep Lew"Lewis smiles at Vivi and replies with a simple "Yeah..."then Lewis kisses Vivi on the forehead, Vivi smiles back at Lewis.

As Lewis tries to get back to driving again, Vivi then tries to get back to reading up into the town they were heading to, only for Vivi to glance up from her books again to notice something huge on the side of the road and this thing starts running across the street, Vivi screams as she grabs Lewis's arm tightly, Vivi wasn't able to get a good look at what the creature is so she yelled trying to get Lewis to stop the vehicle"LEWIS TURN THIS DAMN VAN AROUND NOW!!!", Lewis wasn't able to react quick enough so he accidentally turns/crashes the van into a tree, Both Vivi and Lewis soon start hearing something or someone approach the vehicle, Vivi eventually curses to herself quietly "oh shit!..."

(Next chapter will be about Trollhunters...)

Mystery Skulls and TrollhuntersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora