Part two- After the Crash

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Jim was chasing after a gumm gumm with Toby, Claire, Blinky and Arrrgh, the gumm gumm continued to run as it reached a nearby street, Jim and his friends stopped because they couldn't risk being seen by someone on the street, but the gumm gumm ran across the street and caused a van to hit a tree, Jim bit his bottom lip and he said "oh...crap!" Jim approached van as his armor vanished, he wanted to make sure that the people in the van were okay.

Vivi tried to quickly open the van door but it seemed to jammed by a tree branch, so she tried to kick the door open and she managed to open the door, Lewis opened his door after Vivi did, Arthur was awake now and he opened up the back doors of the van, once all doors were opened they saw a random kid who looked like he was 15-16 years old, he then asked nervously while shoving something quickly into his pocket "are you all o-okay, I um...saw th-the c-crash?" Vivi then said "yeah we're fine, just that um... what was that thing that ran across the road" Jim bit his lip again, Jim felt like he was going to end up making his lip bleed if he continued so he stopped and he said sounding like he was hiding something big "it was ...a bear, yeah a bear, I saw it, it was pretty huge" Vivi then said suspiciously while noticing how nervous Jim was"huh?weird..." Mystery watched Jim with curiosity because something about Jim's aura seemed incredibly familiar but Mystery didn't know why, Jim then said laughing awkwardly while not knowing what to say"well um...this is a weird town" Jim then gave them a number to a towing company that his mom knew, then Jim ran off afterwards.

Vivi looked to her boyfriend and she said smiling softly "do you think that boy was hiding something Lew" Lewis then said as he glanced over at where the boy ran off to " I could send my deadbeats to watch him" Arthur butts in and says "hold it that's a bad idea what if you get caught Lewis??" Mystery interrupts "Arthur's right so ,I'll watch the boy from a distance, I want to figure out why his aura is familiar to me" "Wait I'm right??" Arthur says looking like his mouth is gaping slightly, Vivi looks shocked as she looks at Mystery, she then sighs and she says "you're serious about this Mystery" "As serious as I can be Vivi" Mystery says sounding very serious, Vivi pets Mystery on the head as she says "then go" Mystery then ran off and went to direction that Jim went in...

(Next Chapter Mystery has a run in with Gunmar...)

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