Shelter in the storm- the girl.

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I turned on the lights on the front of my house. It was starting to rain and snow, which wasn't good. My wooden house held up fairly okay in the cold, but it was never that fun, anyway. There had been another shipwreck that washed up a few days ago, and it was more English writing, so I have new books to read. I grab a book off the shelf, a new one, titled The Stolen Journey. I was about to start reading it when my door opened.
A male and a female walk in, both caring large bags. I figure they speak English, they both looked English. Although I don't read many other books that have pictures of other races, so I could be wrong. "Hello."
They both looked at each other, then the one with the leaf- which I believe is maple, from my book about trees- says "Hello. My name is Canada. And this is my companion, Greenland. What's your name?"
"Name? Well. I don't really have one." I barely know what a name is, I only read books to learn things, so I'm limited on what I know." I'm trying to be friendly, but I must know. "Now, how did you get here? And why are you here on my land?"
Greenland speaks up, "we live just south of here. We we're exploring and we came upon your land, which we've never seen before. So we came here to take shelter from the storm." "I see now," I begin, "your not here to harm me. Please, stay until the storm breaks. I'll make some tea."

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