-+*Chapter Two*+-

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(This was rushed because of my wife Ali so don't judge)

As you're walking to your room, you hear the door open back up behind you and quick footsteps as well.

"Bill leave me alone." You order and turn around to see Bill right behind you.

"J-Just listen.." He sighs, obviously exhausted of your daily behaviour. "Me and the guys are going to the qu-qu-quarry, we wanted to know i-i-if you were coming t-t-too?" He creases his eyebrows and you stop and think for a second.

"Well... Will Stanley be there?" You ask, trying not to sound like you're in love with him.

"Yeah, Stan will be th-th-there." He admits and you're screaming inside, but you're trying not to smile on the outside.

"Alright, yeah I'll go." You say as you feel a small smile grow on your face.

"Great." Bill turns back around and goes back to the garage to take down the structure he built out of your hamsters' cage.

(Time skip)

You just finish getting dressed into your swim suit and you suddenly hear Bill's yell from the front door go through the house.


You quickly turn the handle on the door and make slip on your shirt as you're running to the door, but you weren't fast enough putting it on, so it was just at the time Bill was about to grab something from his room.

"Did I j-just see your-" Before Bill could say anything else, you cut him off with your own words.

"You'll be seeing it at the quarry, calm down horn dog." You giggle and get outside, seeing Stanley right away.

His cute, poofy, honey coloured hair stood out better than anyone else's. You don't realize, but you end up staring at Stan and admiring his many features.

You get snapped out of it too soon, sadly.

"There's more to see over here, hottie." Richie flirts and you look at him for a second, then flip him off.

"You would." He scoffs as he gets back on his bicycle.

You glance behind you to make sure Bill isn't there, and luckily he isn't.

"I'd rather fuck Stanley, thank you very much." You admit as Stan stares at you in shock.

You realize, he's not looking at you... You turn around and see Bill in the doorway behind you.

'Fuck my life...'

"Wh-WhAt?!" Bill questions and looks confused, and a little angry.

"I'd rather fuck Stanley... BUT IT'S NOT BECAUSE I WANT TO! Richie just said that I'd fuck him, but I was proving that I would never do that!" You explain as Bill stares at you with more confusion.

(Whenever there's a random capital letter in Stanley's dialog it's a voice crack fyi)

"CAn we just gO to the quArry?" Stan asks, trying to avoid the conversation topic.

"I'd like that." You agree as you go search for your bike.

You go around the side of the house and find your own rusty bicycle laid down on the ground. You lift it up and see a small spider that was underneath the handle bar.

"AHH!" You scream and scramble to get the fuck out of there.

"What's wrong? What happened!" Stanley runs over to you and as he speaks, he sounds terrified as well.

"Th-The spi-s-spider.." You stutter, still scared from the insect.


"How big was it?" He questions you.

"Um.." You make the 'ok' sign with your hand and Stan sighs.

"That's tiny." He says, walking to his bicycle once again.

"That's what she said!" Richie yells, making you laugh.

"Literally what I said when you 'showed me', Richie." You wink and Bill looks at Richie quickly.

"Whoa wait, Bill I was joking." You tell him as Bill gives you both a suspicious glare.

"Let's go." Eddie says and you quickly take your bike from the ground, then sitting on it.

(Tbh I totally forgot about Eddie so I guess he was just standing there lmao)

As you all take off on your bikes, you stay behind them all and stare at Stanley. You were paying like 20% attention to where you were going and 80% on Stan. You didn't stop until he looked back to see if you were okay.

(Time skip)

You get to the quarry and the boys immediately start undressing into their underwear, everyone but Stan made you gag.

"(y/n), are you going to get ready or just enjoy the view you're getting?" Richie asks with his arms crossed.

"Oh right, sorry.." You apologize as you take off your track pants and your shirt, leaving you in your underwear and a bra.

"(y/n), d-did you have to ch-choose that? Why not a ba-bathing suit?" Bill questions, concerned about your appearance.

"Wha- Bill! I can wear what I want!" You yell at him, obviously annoyed.

You go to the line of boys as they start making weird noises..

'Oh fuck not this...' You think to yourself as one of them spits off the cliff.

You start gathering mucus and spit in your mouth as you wait for Eddie to go. When he goes, it's just a small little white blob.

You spit off the cliff and as you watch it exit your mouth, you gag slightly.

"Alright that's it, I win!" Richie claims as Eddie looks at him angrily.

"Did you see that logi?! That was huge!" Eddie argues, lowering his hand to point to the water.

"Yeah but mine went the farthest." Richie replies.

"It doesn't matter how far it went, or if it was green, or white, or juicy fat -- it's always been mass!" Eddie tells him even more annoyed.

"Guys!" You yell, catching everyone's attention. "Who's going first?" You take a step forward, looking over the edge of the tall cliff.

The boys look at each other and all of the sudden, you hear;

"Not it!" From Eddie, Richie, and Bill.

"St-Stanley and (y/n)." Bill takes a step back, giving you both room.

"What?! Oh fUck seriously?" Stan sighs with a slight voice crack.

The boys nod as you look at Stanley, who was holding his hand out to you. You take his hand and it was so, so soft.

"On the count of three?" You ask, making him nod.

"One, two.." You get in a good position to jump, along with Stan. "Three."

You grip his hand as you both jump off of the tall ass cliff, hitting the water faster than you thought. You swim to the surface and clear your hair from your face, taking in your surroundings.

You see Stan with his hair still in his face, his hair not curly anymore. You let go of his hand and move his hair away from his beautiful eyes, making him blink his eyes open. He stares at you as the other boys scream and jump in as well.

"Did I die and go to heaven? Because I'm seeing an angel." Stanley flirts, making your face go light pink.

I'm so sorry, this is so shitty I wish I could write better...

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