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* Carmen's POV *

My head feels fuzzy. I don't want to move. Whoever is holding me is really warm and I'm cold so I'm definitely not moving. I open my eyes slightly to see Payton looking down at me. He looks like he has been crying.. I wonder why. I also wonder why I'm being held by Payton instead of Jaden. Oh. The memories from yesterday have hit me like a rock. I let out a shaky breath and cuddle into Payton's side for extra warmth. I'm so cold, I don't even know why. I also don't know where I am, it looks like some sort of movie room. Payton is running his fingers through my hair soothing me. My head is on his shoulder, his arms around me. It's like he can tell I'm cold.

" are you okay?" Payton asks me quietly sniffling
" I feel fine now. Why were/are you crying?" I say but my voice comes out as a whisper
" I watched you almost die. Why wouldn't I cry if one of my best friends stopped breathing in my arms?" He says as a tear falls but he doesn't wipe it away so he won't have to let me go.
" you're the one who saved me?" I ask as I wipe his face gently causing him to nod his head yes
" I was so scared. I really thought you were going to d-die." He says with his voice breaking making me cuddle into his chest
" I love you pay, thank you for saving me. Where is Jaden and Christopher?" I ask as he runs his fingers through my hair gently
" Jaden is making food for you for when you decided to come down. Christopher is somewhere in the house, i don't really know. You want to go find him?" He says causing me to pull back a little to quickly and get a little lightheaded but I nod anyways

Payton stands up with me still in his arms so I'm being held bridal style. He is scared to put me down and I know it. I am debating on telling him I'm okay and to put me down or not and let him carry me. I am tired, I am just going to let him carry me. I snuggle into his shirt causing him to laugh and carry me down the stairs effortlessly. Alright Mr Strong guy. He brings me to the kitchen and everything is quiet. I open my eyes slightly and see everyone looking at me with a sympathetic smile. Except Jaden. Jaden looks petrified. I bet he blames himself. Payton reads my mind and helps me stand up. I'm light headed but getting to Jaden is more important right now. I slowly walk over to him without breaking eye contact. He is sitting down with his legs spread apart and his hands in his lap fiddling with his fingers. I am so dizzy but I need to hug him. He will make everything better. I stop right before I get to him. Leaving half a foot between us. Jaden looks up at me and in one quick motion I'm sitting in his lap with my back up against the counter and my legs around his waist. His face is buried in the crook of my neck while he hugs me tightly. I just know he is crying. I can already sense it. I lace my fingers in his hair at the nape of his neck and pull gently. He pulls away just enough so I can see his face, his eyes are bloodshot and his face is tear stained.

" I'm sorry. I'm so sorry baby. This was my fault... I'm so sorr-" He rambles, I cut him off by connecting my lips with his.

He immediately kisses back and grips my hips, once I pull away I rest my forehead on his. I peck his lips once more with a smile.

" don't apologize, it wasn't your fault. I'm just to stressed nowadays. I don't know why I'm so stressed, but I will be okay. I promise. Everything will be fine. Okay?" I say causing him to nod his head gently and rest his head on my shoulder and kiss my neck gently causing me to laugh.
" y'all make me feel so lonely." Christopher says behind me causing me to turn my head around and look at him, he looks miserable.

I can tell he has been crying too. Jaden picks me up and stands me up so I can go to Christopher. I practically run over and jump in his arms. My legs are around his waist and his arms are around my torso. I can hear him sniffling, my heart hurts for the boys I love. I just know I'm never getting out of any of their sights again.

" I love you" I whisper due to the fact my face is right by his ear
" I love you too Carmen, now get back to Jaden, he needs you" Christopher whisper back before kissing my temple.

I unwrap my legs and kiss his cheek and smile before skipping back over to Jaden. I sit down on his lap and smile cheekily at him. Griffin hands me Luna with a smile. I look down at her and she is already looking at me.

" So, Payton mentioned something about food. I'm hungry" I say causing everyone to laugh
" here baby" Jaden gave me my favorite thing ever, a ham and cheese sandwich with lays BBQ chips.
" yes! Yes! I love you! Oh my god!" I squeal and kiss Jaden quickly before taking a bite of my sandwich. Best food ever.
" you are adorable." Jaden chuckles before stealing a chip causing me to stick my tongue out at him

Everything is all good at the moment before I hear Payton and Avani giggling beside me. I turn my head slowly and they are looking at their phones with the volume low so I can't hear whatever they are watching. Avani looks up and giggles at me. What the heck. Jadens ringer is on and I can hear he got a notification. I look over at him and he looks confused as he grabs his phone. Suddenly there is a sound playing and Jadens mouth falls open. I lean over and see this. ( VIDEO ABOVE ^^^ ALSO IM AWARE THIS VIDEO IS OLD)
I look at Avani and Payton and they are giggling while watching Jadens reaction. Jadens grip on my waist is a lot tighter than it was before the video. Why is he- oh. Never mind. I can feel him pressing against my butt through my shorts that are riding up a little. I almost forgot how big he is. I hear everyone start laughing and leave the room. Avani comes over and takes Luna and winks before walking out of the kitchen leaving me and Jaden alone. I finish my food, I need to clean up my mess.

I hear him let out a shaky breath as I attempt to get off his lap but he jerks me back down making me land on him again. I bite my lip as he kisses my shoulder gently. Payton walks in with a smirk and fixes Luna a bottle as Jaden moves the waistband of my shorts a little so his hand is on my bare skin. Payton chuckles and comes over to us.

" we are watching a movie, Christopher offered to watch Luna for y'all so you could watch the movie. Hurry up there" he says smirking and walking away.

I let out a shaky breath as I get up off Jadens lap. I grab his hand and we walk upstairs and to the movie room. I can feel Jaden staring at me. I turn and look at him and instantly regret it. He is giving me one hell of a look. Once we make eye contact he slams me against the wall and grips my hips squeezing tightly causing me to gasp. He connects his lips with mine and we start making out. I can feel his bulge up against me. I'm trying so hard not to moan. We hear a yell from inside the room telling us to hurry up.

Jaden pulls away and smirks evilly and pushes me towards the door. Right before I walk in the room Jaden slaps my ass hard. I yelp and turn around and gasp as he bites his lip and stares at me seductively. I don't know if I should yell at him, or jump on him and let him have his way with me. I push open the door and go to sit in the front beside Avani and Payton but suddenly I'm thrown over someone's shoulder and thrown onto another love seat/bed.

I look up and see Jaden standing there looking at me. I realize now that my shirt has slid up and is showing my stomach and a part of my black lace bra. The lights cut off and everything is dark. The movie starts playing very loudly and I can see the outline of Jadens body crawling towards me. I tightly press my legs together in attempt to ease the pressure. Jaden hovers over me and jerks a blanket off the back of the seat and lays it over us. The audio is loud, so I'm hoping it will drown us out. I realize now that we are in the very back by ourselves. This is fixing to be interesting..

Should I write the smut? Or nah? Someone let me know 🤷‍♀️

THE PURGE- TikTokDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora