Well He Asked

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Mary's POV
I was now sitting in car since Dean had something to tell Sam and Kara. I was finally able to use my phone to have signal and saw Ricky was spamming me. I decided to text him back.
Mary:Sorry the hunt we went on had no signal.
Ricky:Okay, Hey can I go on a hunt with you guys again my mom is annoying me since Jo isn't here.
Mary:Sure I don't see why not.
I saw Dean get on with no Kara or Sam. "What did dad say to you about them?" I asked. "Get up here and I'll tell you Mae." He said. I got in the front. "Dad said I may have to kill Sam and Kara." Dean said. "Why?" I asked. "They may turn evil." Dean said. "Sammy and Kara can't turn evil they are good." I said. "I know get some sleep you've been up all night." Dean said. I sighed and fell asleep.
I was standing in a bedroom like nursery. I saw mom come in with a little Dean, huh so the pictures didn't lie he was a goofy looking kid. "Let's say goodnight to your baby brother." Mom said setting down Dean. "Goodnight Sammy." I heard little Dean say and kiss Sammy's head. "Goodnight love." Mom said and put a hand on her stomach. "Dean." I looked and saw a smiling Dad, shocking. I guess they can't see me since no one said anything of a eleven year old stranger. "Daddy." Dean said and Dad picked him up. "Think Sammy's, ready to throw around the football?" Dad asked, obviously joking. "No daddy." Dean said. "You got him?" Mom asked. "I got him." Dad said and mom left I decided to follow. "I love you too little one." Mom said to her stomach, was she pregnant with me when she died the first time? I went back to Sam's nursery and looked around it looked like a normal nursery. I sat in the rocking chair as I saw the yellow eyed demon come in since I learned I couldn't do anything. I saw mom come in. "Is he hungry?" Mom asked, she probably thought it was dad, Yellow eyes turned around. "Shh." He said. "Okay." Mom said and couple minutes later I heard mom yell Sammy name and ran in and I watched yellow eyes kill her.
End of dream
I woke up in the impala seeing Dean. "You okay Mae?" Dean asked. "Yeah how far are we from the roadhouse?" I asked. "An hour." Dean said. I nodded. We stopped in a rest area and I changed into clean clothes. We got back in the impala and Dean turned on the radio and Hey Jude by the Beatles came on. We sang along smiling. It finished as we pulled in the roadhouse. I walked in and Ricky ran down and hugged me with a duffel bag. "Keep him safe Mary." Ellen said. "Will do Ellen." I said. "Hey Ellen, call us if Sam and Kara show up and tell us if you know where they are going." Dean said. "Okay Dean." Ellen said. We got in the impala and Dean started driving. "So Ricky What happened to your sister?" Dean asked. "She wanted to hunt, mom said not under her roof, and so Jo packed and left." Ricky said. "She'll come back you can't stay away from family for long." Dean said shrugging. "Dad left us for almost a year." I reminded Dean. He shrugged. Ricky took a nap. I was playing solitaire on my phone since I found it had some games, like checkers, chess, and bonk, and Pac-Man. I won at solitaire. When Ricky's phone rang waking him up and he answered it. "Hello?" Ricky asked having it on speaker. "Hey Son it's mom are you on speaker?" Ellen asked. "He is Ellen." I replied. "Hey, have you heard from Kara and Sam?" Dean asked. "I have, but they made me promise not to tell you three where they are." Ellen said. "Come on, Ellen, please. Something bad could be going on here, and I swore I'd look after that kid." Dean said. "Yeah and I want to make sure my older brother and best friend are okay." I said. "Now Dean and Mary, they say you can't protect your loved ones forever. Well, I say screw that. What else is family for? He's in Lafayette, Indiana." Ellen said. "Thanks." I said. "Thanks mom." Ricky said. "No problem." Ellen said and we hung up. "Anyone need to tinkle?" Dean asked. "I'm good." Ricky and I said in unison. We got to Layfette, Indiana and stopped at different motels, we finally finally found one called Blue Rose Motel. We found them tjrougb a window in their room. Dean sighed in relief happy Sam and Kara are okay. "Oh, thank god you two are okay." I said. "Yeah, I was worried." Ricky said. Sam moves aside and we saw a beautiful girl. "Oh, you're better than okay." I chuckled. "Sam, you sly dog!" Dean said. "Finally Grumpy Cat is getting some." Ricky said. We soon heard a gun shot ring out. We looked and saw a figure on the top of the building with a sniper rifle. "Come on." Dean said. We got there and got to the top and saw Gordon Walker, why didn't I kill him the last time we saw him? Oh yeah I have no killing unless it's evil. "Gordon!" Dean yelled and Ricky and I tackled him along with Dean. "You do that to my brother, I'll kill you!" Dean and I said with rage. "Dean, Mary, Ricky, wait." Gordon said. Ricky kneed him. Gordon picked up his gun and knocked out Ricky, Dean, and finally me. I woke up tied to a chair and growled. "Oh look the angry kitten is up." Gordon said. "You shouldn't have tied me to a chair." I said. "Why?" He asked. I was able to slip out and showed him my fee hands. "I now can kill you." I said smirking. "Oh bite." Gordon said. Well he asked. I tackled him and bit his arm hard drawing blood. He knocked me unconscious and I woke up in a cage. I saw Dean and Ricky wake up. "Mae?" They asked. "In here." I said. Gordon had his arm where I bit him. I heard Dean's phone ring. Gordon hit answer and held it to Dean's ear. "Hello?" Dean asked. "Dean!" We heard Kara and Sam's voice. "Sam, Kara, Mae, Ricky, and I've been looking for you two." Dean said. "Yeah. Look, we're in Indiana, uh Lafayette." Kara said. "We know." Dean said. "You guys do?" Sam asked. "Yeah, we talked to Ellen. Just got here ourselves. It's a real funky town. You ditched us, Sammy and babe." Dean said to them, using the codeword we have if someone has a gun on us, funky town. "Yeah, we're sorry. Look, right now there's someone after us." Kara said. Yeah and he kidnapped us and I'm stuck in a stupid cage. "What? Who?" Dean said pretending to be confused. "We don't know, that's what we need to find out. Where are you guys?" Sam said. "We're staying at, uh, 5637 Monroe St. Why don't you meet us here?" Dean said. "Yeah. Sure." Kara and Sam said and hanging up. "Now, was that so hard?" Gordon asked. "Bite me." Dean said. "You might not want to say that with Mary around she actually bit me." Gordon said showing his wrapped arm. "Hey you never said when, where, or how hard. So I am assumed now, here, and enough to draw blood," I said and leaned in the cage and felt an electrical shock. "Ow!"
I yelped in pain. "An electrical cage." Gordon said. "You're a real dick." Ricky said. It was soon day, I tried going to sleep but kept getting electrocuted, which I think I lost feeling in my back. "So Gordy. I know me, Sam, Mae, Kara, and Ricky ain't exactly your favorite people, but don't you think this is a little extreme?" Dean said. "What, you guys think this is revenge?" Gordon asked confused. We left him tied up for three days on the ground after I decked him. "Well, we did leave you tied up in your own mess for three days and I decked you." I said still in pain from electrical shocks in my body. Ricky laughed. "Which was awesome. Sorry, I shouldn't laugh." Ricky said noticing the mood of the room. "Yeah. I was definitely planning on whuppin' your guys asses for that." Gordon said. "Mm-hmm." Dean hummed. "But that's not what this is. This isn't personal. I'm not a killer, Dean, Mary, and Ricky. I'm a hunter. And Sam and Kara are fair game." Gordon said. I thought I was gonna throw up, how did Gordon find it out. I didn't even notice I fell a little bit back and was shocked again and that's when I threw up. Great now I'm in cage, in pain, and there's a puddle vomit near me. Gordon saw and looked disgusted. "See, I was doing an exorcism down in Louisiana. Teenage girl, seemed routine, some low-level demon. But between all the jabbering and the head-spinning, the damn thing muttered something. About a coming war. And I don't think it meant to, it just kind of slipped out. But it was too late. Piqued my interest. And you can really make a demon talk, you got the right tools." Gordon said casually explained. "And what happened to the girl it was possessing?" Ricky and I asked. "She didn't make it." Gordon said. "Well, you're a son of a bitch, I mean you locked my baby sister in an electrical cage, and she's in a puddle of her vomit." Dean said. Gordon got up and slapped Dean. "That's my momma you're talking about. Anyway. This demon tells me there are soldiers to fight in this coming war. Humans, fighting on hell's side. You believe that? I mean, they're psychics, so they're not exactly pure humans, but still. What kind of worthless scumbag have you got to be to turn against your own race? But you know the biggest kick in the ass? This demon said I knew two of them. Our very own Sammy Winchester and Kara Jones." Gordon said. "Oh, this is ... this is a whole new level of moronic, even for you." I laughed, even I know not to trust demons. "Yeah? Come on, guys. I know. About Sam and Kara's visions. I know everything." Gordon said to us, shit. "Really? Because a demon told you?" Dean asked, smirking. "Yeah, and it wasn't lying."  Ricky asked laughing. "Hey, guys. I'm not some reckless yahoo, okay? I did my homework. Made damn sure it was true. Look, you've got your Roadhouse connections, I got mine. It's how I found Sammy in the first place. About a month ago I found another one of these freaks here in town. He could deep-fry a person just by touching them." Gordon said, that actually sounds pretty cool, dangerous but cool. "Yeah, did he kill anyone?" I asked. "Well, besides Mr. Tinkles the cat? No. But he was working up to it. They're all gonna be killers, Dean, Mary, and Ricky. We've got to take them all out. And that means Sammy and Kara too." Gordon said cocking a rifle. "Who names a cat Mr. Tinkles?" Ricky asked, really thats what got his attention? "You think Sam and Kara stupid enough to walk through that front door?" Dean asked. "No, I don't. Especially since I'm sure you found a way to warn them. Ha. You really think I'm that stupid? No. Sammy and Kara are going to scope the place first, see me covering the front door. So they're going to take the back. And when they do they'll hit the tripwire. Then --Boom." Gordon said taking out a grenade. "Sam and Kara are not gonna fall for a friggin' tripwire." Ricky said. "Maybe you're right. That's why I'll have a second one. Hey, look. I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to do this, I really do. But for what it's worth, it'll be quick." Gordon said and put paper towels through the cage and I cleaned up the vomit. Gordon was setting it up. "Come on, man. We know Sam and Kara, okay, better than anyone. They got more of a conscience than any of us do, I mean, Sam feels guilty surfing the Internet for porn and Kara feels bad for leaving a bad tip at a restaurant." I said. "Maybe you're right. But one day they're going to be monsters." Gordon says. "How? Huh? How are people like Sam and Kara become monsters?" Ricky asked Gordon. "Beats me. But they will." Gordon said. "No, you don't know that!" Dean argued. "I'm surprised at you, Dean. Getting all emotional. I'd heard you were more of a professional than this. Look, let's say you were cruising around in that car of yours and, uh, you had little Hitler riding shotgun, right? Back when he was just some goofy, crappy artist. But you knew what he was going to turn into someday. You'd take him out, no questions, am I right?" Gordon said to Dean. "That's not Sam and Kara." Dean said. "Yes it is. You just can't see it yet. Dean, it's his destiny. Look, I'm sympathetic. He's your brother and girlfriend, you love the two. This has got to hurt like hell for you and Mae. But here's the thing. It would wreck them. But your dad? If it really came right down to it, he would have had the stones to do the right thing here. But you're telling me you're not the man he is?" Gordon asked. "Go to hell." I said as he gaged Dean. Gordon opened a part of the cage only his hands could get through and not any other body part and he gagged me and then Ricky. We waited and we heard a click. "Ya hear them?" Gordon asked. In the back room we hear the door open. "Here they come." Gordon said. We heard the grenade explode and I flinched and cried. Dean and Ricky screamed through the gags. "Hold on. Not yet. Just wait and see." Gordon said and we heard the second grenade go off and it was more loud and would definitely kill someone. I curled in a ball crying. "Sorry, Dean, Mary, and Ricky." Gordon said. I heard fighting and I heard a gasp. "He put her in a cage?" I heard Kara ask mad. "Mae, Sweetie?" I heard Sam. I looked at him. He opened the cage and got the gag off and I latched on to him like a kola bear. He smiled and held me. "I'm here Mae." He said wiping my tears. I put my face in the crook of his neck. "That son of a...." I heard Dean and Ricky say. "Dean, Ricky. No." Kara said. "Mae can I put you down?" Sam asked. I nodded sad. He put me down put still had his arm around me. "We let him live once." Ricky said. "We're not making the same mistake twice." Dean said. "Trust us. Gordon's taken care of. Come on." Sam said. We walked out me kinda slow from the pain in my back and arms. We soon we heard gun shots from Gordon who woke up,  we ran ducking. "Come on!" Dean yelled we ran. "You two call this taken care of?" I asked as we dove into a ditch by the side of the road. "What the hell are we doing?" Ricky asked we huddled together. "Just trust us on this, all right?" Kara asked. We watch Gordon approach and cop cars appeared around Gordon, the cops of course, the cops get out with guns ready. "Drop your weapons! Get down on your knees!" One cop yelled. "Do it, now!" The second cop yelle. We grinned at each other. We saw Gordon glare in our direction and Ricky and I waved smiling. "Put your hands on your head. Easy now." The second cop said cuffing him and patting him down. They opened the back of Gordon's truck and found the weapons rack. "Anonymous tip." Kara and Sam said together. "You're a fine upstanding citizens, Kara and Grumpy Cat." Ricky said. We got to the hospital Dean was talking to Ellen while a doctor checked my wounds. "Okay well the electrical current did nothing bad, your pupils are fine and you have no memory lose, just if you feel any pain take some aspirin and you'll be fine honey." She said. I nodded and got down. I saw Ricky waiting there with two cups of something. "You must be cold here is some hot chocolate." Ricky said. I thanked him and ssipped it. We got in the car and Sam was trying to call the girl him and Kara met Ava. "Hey, Ava, it's Sam. Again. Um, call me when you get this, just want to make sure you got home okay. All right. Bye." Sam said. "Everything all right?" Dean asked. "Yeah, I hope so." Sam said. "Well, Gordon should be reaching for the soap for the next few years at least." I said. "Yeah. If they pin Scott Carey's murder on him. And if he doesn't bust out." Kara said. It was silent for awhile. "Guys, you two ever take off like that again...." Dean said. "What? You'll kill us?" Sam asked. "That is so not funny." I said. "All right. All right. So where to next, then?" Kara said. "One word: Amsterdam." Ricky said. Dean nodded. "Ricky! Dean!" Sam said. "Come on, man, I hear the coffeeshops don't even serve coffee." I said, actually wanting to see Amsterdam. "I'm not just gonna ditch the job." Kara and Sam said in unison. "Screw the job. Screw it, guys, I'm sick of the job anyway. I mean, we don't get paid, we don't get thanked. The only thing we get's bad luck." Dean said. "Well, come on, dude, you're a hunter. I mean, it's what you were meant to do." I said. "Ah, I wasn't meant to do anything, I don't believe in that destiny crap." Dean said. "You mean you don't believe in my and Sam's destiny." Kara said. "Yeah, whatever." Dean said. "Look, Dean, I've tried running before. I mean, I ran all the way to California and look what happened. You can't run from this. And you can't protect me." Sam said. I looked at him. "We can try." I said. "Thanks for that. Look, Dean, Mae, I'm gonna keep hunting. I mean, whatever is coming, I'm taking it head-on, so if you really want to watch my back, then I guess you two and Kara are gonna have to stick around." Sam said. "And sometimes Ricky." Kara commented. "Yeah Grumpy Cat." Ricky said. "Bitch." Dean said to Sam. "Jerk." Sam replied. "Asshats." I said to my brothers who smiled. Kara took out her phone. "You calling that Ava girl again?" I asked. Kara nodded. "Sammy sweet on her or something?" Dean asked. "She's engaged, Dean." Sam said. "So? What's the point in saving the world if you can't get a little nookie once in a while, huh?" Ricky asked smirking. Kara got off the phone worried. "What?" Dean asked his girlfriend. "Just a feeling. How far is it to Peoria?" Kara asked. We drove to where this Ava girl lived and I picked the lock and got into her house we all had flashlights. "Hello? Is anybody home?" Sam asked. We walked in the bedroom and saw a man dead, probably Ava's fiancé. "Oh my god." Kara said. I went over to the windowsill with Ricky and saw sulfur. "Hey. Sulfur. Demon's been here." Ricky and I said. We looked around. Kara picked up a ring and said. "This was Ava's engagement ring." Kara frowned. "Sorry guys." Dean said. We nodded.

A\N:New chapter. I hope you enjoy.

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