Dating Harry would include...

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* A lot of tight hugs

* Being scared for him when he's out there fighting people

* Him being scared something is happening to you because you're his weakness

* Getting quite cross with him because you feel that he deliberately seems to go and search for danger

* Forgiving him because you know it is what he has to do

* And because you can't resist his puppy eyes

* Cheering him on during the Tri Wizard Tournament 

* Solving the egg clue together when the two of you were taking a bath in the prefects bathroom

* You being the one who he needs to safe in the Lake

* Making the time you are alone together extra special

* Evenings at the Room Of Requirement

* Being great friends with Ron and Hermione

* Playing with Harry's crazy hair all the time

* Spending holidays at your place, because let's face it, the Dursleys are a nightmare

* The one time you did visit the Dursleys, they were being as mean to you as they are to Harry. Constantly making snarky comments to the pair of you

* You standing up for Harry and leaving the Dursleys behind speechless

* Your parents absolutely adoring him

* Him teaching you Quidditch

* Ron fake-gagging every so often when the two of you are being "so cute it makes my eyes burn out of my sockets"

* A lot of fun dates, to various places

* He's not a fan of PDA, but in private.... whew

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