Chapter 6: A Lukewarm Welcome

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If anyone in the room was surprised at the sudden appearance of three grown elves, a boy, and a cat, their faces didn't betray anything. There must have been a dozen men and women seated around the long table, each with the pointed ears and sharp features of elves, and the haughty expressions of adults ready to discipline. One sat slightly apart from the rest who looked a good deal more tranquil, puffing away at a long pipe. Well that explains the smoke.

A warm breeze stirred the air, bringing with it the faint scent of the sea. Levi could see it from where he stood, sparkling between the leaves and branches that spilled into the open balcony, off beyond Caerulir's forest-and-shingle canopy.

The oily haired elf who had spoken was the only one of the group standing. His posture was impeccable, and Levi recoiled as he was reminded fleetingly of Father Thomas. It was the older elf, Oberon, who replied first, making his way to a vacant seat at the table next to a much younger lady elf with fiery red hair. "Is that tone really necessary, Lord Rhaegal? The lad has already been through quite an ordeal after all."

Even with his perfect posture, the elf Rhaegal somehow managed to stiffen even further. "Hmpf. Well if he truly is who claim," his eyes slid over Lindel and Ferrus and rested on the red haired woman, "then he had better be resilient enough to handle far worse." Then sneered at Levi which might have been intended as a smile. "But perhaps Lord Oberon has a point. Any son of our late king should be well received in these halls, even one born under... less than savory circumstances."

"Ah, but fortunately when it comes to appointing an heir, the circumstances of his birth are irrelevant so long as he carries the blood of the Sidhe Court in his veins," the red haired elf said "So we needn't concern ourselves with such trivial matters. You know the law, Rhaegal," she added with a stern look.

Lord Rhaegal really did sneer that time. "This all remains to be seen," he muttered before shifting his attention to snap at Lindel, Ferrus, and Lynx still crowded in the doorway, "And what are you fools still doing here? This is an official meeting of the Comhairle, not some mummer's farce," he shot a sidelong look at Levi and added under his breath something that sounded suspiciously like, "not yet.

"You have completed your task, now off with you."

Lindel and Ferrus stood frozen in the doorframe, and both looked about to argue until an elaborately dressed lady elf spoke from her seat by Lord Rhaegal's elbow, which was also the head of the table. "Now, now, Lord Rhaegal, there is no need for rudeness. You would not presume to dismiss a pair of my vassals before I've had a proper chance to thank them for services to the crown, would you?"

Lord Rhaegal bowed his head, but through the shadow cast over his face Levi could detect the faintest of smiles playing on his lips. "Forgive me, Your Majesty," he said before sinking into his chair next to the lady. He steepled his fingers in front of his face and said no more, but his eyes shot daggers at Levi.

Majesty? So this was her then. Queen Maevel. Levi's stepmother.

"Sir Ferrus. Sir Lindel. You have each performed your duties to the highest standard expected of knights of your station. Your assistance this day is duly appreciated." There was a note of finality in her voice that made it clear they were dismissed, and thought she was smiling,

it didn't quite reach her eyes which remained rather cold and distant, it seemed to Levi.

The pair of them bowed out, reciting practiced words of thanks. Ferrus lingered just long enough to give Levi's shoulder a squeeze which was probably meant to be gentle and comforting but which left a dull ache throbbing as he too made his exit, and with a swish of Lynx's tail, the door closed.

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