Chapitre Deux

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It is my last class of the day and I cannot focus. I tap the eraser of my pencil on my notebook and anxiously check my watch. Just less than twenty-four hours before I have to meet Jesse in Asheville. Oh my goodness that was so close. We had been texting nonstop. Now, I know that that sounds cliche, but oh well. Sometimes life is just cliche like that, okay? Dr. Michaels is in the middle of an excited rant about the movie we watched for class this week.

"There were a lot of good discussion board posts about how Amy is not considered a 'cool girl'," Dr. Michaels was saying. She air quotes "cool girl" before clasping her hands together in front of her. "Can anyone explain to me what a 'cool girl' is, Owen?"

We were supposed to have read at least half way through Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn- me of course, I've been done since day one. I was super excited to read Gone Girl and it was our second book of the semester. It was one of the books that I wanted to read that my parents frowned upon, especially after my mom read the book and told me the ending sucked. Honestly the ending was extremely frustrating, but what else did you expect from Nick?

"A 'Cool Girl' is a girl I wanna date," Owen, one of my classmates, says in his best "bro" voice- low, breathless, and scratchy. It honestly sounds like he was trying his best to impersonate some surfer dude from Cali. Cool dude.

A couple of the other guys in the class laugh nervously. They don't know the answer either.

"Yes... Allen," Dr. Michaels says, glancing down at her seating chart.

This kid was so annoying. He thought he knew literally everything even when he was wrong. But I am not going to argue with him or pick a fight. I choose my battles well. I roll my eyes at him even though he can't see it through the back of my head.

"A 'cool girl' is a girl who is anything a guy could want," Allen says. "A girl who can remain the perfect size, eat a ton of stuff, and just enjoy everything the guy is into. Lemme tell ya, there are a lot of cool girls on this campus."

"But who can tell me if Amy fits into this category? Is she a cool girl or is she normal?" Dr. Michaels asks. My hand finds its way into the air. "Finley."

"Amy isn't a cool girl," I say sitting forward.

"How so?"

"Well, for one Amy freaks out in the wedding chapter about Amazing Amy. She is very judgemental and upset with her parents about the whole situation. A cool girl wouldn't be so tied up with the situation. We find out more when we get into the second half of the book. There is so much more evidence, but I know the majority of the class is not nearly as far as I am."

"Aka finished," some guy snickers behind me.

My face heats up and I look down at my hands. He wasn't wrong.

"That was a great answer, Finley," Dr. Michaels says smiling at me. "We should talk more later about the stuff you've seen. I am excited to see what you've got to say. Plus that is an excellent idea for a paper. Is Amy a cool girl? Think about it and consider it for your paper guys."

My phone buzzes in my pocket and my heart skips a beat. Is it Jesse? I mentally scold myself, I don't need to get so excited about someone I haven't even met yet. It was probably honestly my best friend Caroline texting me asking me if I wanted to get lunch with her. The normal after class ritual. I pull my phone from my pocket and glance over my screen. I've got like four Snapchats from Caroline. Choosing to ignore them in class, I notice the Facebook message and try to suppress the smile on my face that wants so badly to form. Jesse had messaged me.

From Jesse

So your Facebook pictures are cute and all, but can we Snapchat?

To Jesse

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