Chapitre Trois

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I thought some people in their cars played their music too loud, but the music coming from Tuck's is so much worse. I could hear the lyrics to the song as we walk closer to the building. The warm September air brushing against us as we stand in the line of already drunk freshmen. My eyes wonder around at the other people standing in the line. They are dressed similarly to me, but I still feel as if my outfit is rather skanky. I cross my arms over my stomach trying to hide all the exposed skin. Ted and Nora would so not approve.

Caroline had dressed me in a black sheer crop top thing and a black bra. Yes, you can see the bra. I cannot believe that I left the house in a shirt like this. Caroline had then stuffed me into a red mini skirt. My parents would have a cow. But then again, tonight is about doing all the things I've dreamed about doing but have yet to do.

"Finley, stop," Caroline says, pulling my arms from my waist. "You look amazing."

"But this isn't something my parents-" I start to say.

"Exactly!!" Caroline exclaims excitedly. "This is anti-Ted and Nora night! We are going to do a lot of things that they would not approve of." Sometimes I just need Line to voice my thoughts.

I sigh and nod knowing she's right. We finally reach the door and I pull my I.D from my phone case and present it to the bouncer. He flashes a light over it and checks the date before handing me a bright orange wristband. He then proceeds to wave Caroline and I in the door as we struggle to get the bands on our wrists. A table with a money box is surrounded by people with Xs drawn on the back of their hands. Another gentleman waves Caroline and I farther into the crowded restaurant. Now that we are inside the building, I could only hear the music and just the music.

"Must be running some sort of special today," Line yells in my ear.

I nod in response. Caroline drags me through part of what looks to be the dance floor to the bar. My chest thumping with each hit of the base. She orders us both a drink from the bartender and hands over her card. I could swear she gave him a wink while ordering. The bartender flashes Caroline a flirty smile before grabbing a couple of bottles from behind him. Within a few seconds, Caroline hands me a plastic cup full of something bright green with two black straws sticking out of it. My eyebrows furrow in confusion and I take a sniff of the beverage. It smells of something sickly sweet. Pineapples maybe? Maybe coconut? I have no idea. I don't drink.

"What is this," I ask in Caroline's ear.

"Take a sip and I'll tell you," Caroline responds, her breath tickling my ear. I take a small sip from the black straws and cough slightly at the harsh burn it makes in my throat. "It's called a liquid marijuana." I choke on my spit. "Do you like it?" I nod. "Good."

We move out of the way as more people try to order drinks. I shake my head. There are too many people here. I wonder what the fire code says for the number of people allowed in here at one time. I can't believe this many people go out on Thursdays and probably three quarters of these people repeat this every week. A girl in what looks to be a bandana around her breasts and shorts that should be worn as underwear brushes past us. I try not to think anything judgmental.

"She's so asking for it," I hear Caroline say beside me.

I laugh and take another sip of my drink. I take in all the guys that I could see. Most of them were not dressed to impress. White t-shirts and shorts. Come on boys, pick something original. Some of the guys I do recognize from campus and they dress differently when the sun is out. Majority of these guys are frat bros. They gotta be. I chew on my straw as I watch. My eyes lock with a pair of dark eyes as he makes his way towards the bar. My cheeks burn with the intensity of his stare and look away for a second. When I look back, he is gone. I continue to take in the rest of the scene before me. There is so much to take in. The flashing lights, the throng of bodies dancing against each other. The boys here are the ones that Caroline claims would "fuck anything with a vagina and a heartbeat". This is definitely a place for sinners.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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