The End is only the Beginning

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                Hope Redwell stifled a frightened gasp which met the barrier of her pursed lips and pressed for freedom. Taking in the horrific sight of Paul Krepner's skull split open to expose the thin fleshy brain caught in the crater below it. Veins and lines where thoughts and memories were stored pulsated as if the organ itself shuddered against the cold, bare to the world despite often being sheltered away. With the flick of a blade and a delicate tug the fleshy sack of crimson flesh was peeled back over the top of the brain leaving it undefended and completely at Hannibal's mercy. Though both her and Clarice looked utterly horrified Krepner hummed a tune and drummed on the arms of his chair wearing a ridiculously wide smirk and a vacant expression behind his chestnut brown eyes.

"I-I would like some wine!" Clarice muttered leaning forward and gulping incessantly to swallow down the bile crawling up the tight corridor of her pearly throat. A shudder jerking her shoulders forward and against the table with a bang. Though Dr. Lecter ignore it, staring at Hope with a quirked brow.

"Do you recall all those years ago? You asked me, what I would do to the rude if I was without that unfortunate glass wall. This my dear, is your answer." With one broad stroke he motioned to the mad giggling of Krepner using the precision of the 'Harpy' blade to incise one piece of the pulsating brain and place it sizzling on the frying pan situated right in front of them. In only a few moments a sweet aroma filled the air, similar to the scent of hamburgers on a barbeque in a hot July day. Warm and enticing, the pink piece began to cook into a dark brown in front of all of them. Hope recoiled in horror but Krepner leaning in nostrils flared. "Smells good doesn't it? Not to worry, it's just the Cerebral Cortex. Tied to the decision making and reasoning though judging from his actions our dear Krepner often ignored this chunk. Would have gone to waste rotting in that head of his."

           Hope turned away in an attempt to stifle the smell, it disgusted her in the core of her bowels. To enjoy such an appetizing odor but knowing that this was part of someone, bile burned at the edge of her throat but she swallowed it, head turned away only to feel a finger placed under the crook of her chin and tilt her back towards the table.

"Now now.. Don't be rude to our guest. Sit up straight and behave yourself at the table." Hannibal playfully scolded only to be interrupted by the incoherent babbling of Krepner leaning in to ogle at the smoldering brain eyes wide and unblinking.

"That smells great pal! What cha' making?" Paul spoke in a hoarse jumbled tone, stumbling over syllables and drawing out S's with a low hiss. Similar to a child first learning to read and his behavior mimicked the lack of social cues toddlers exert as well. Smiling up at both of them with a vacant look and then blowing a raspberry saliva flinging along the hem of the table cloth and onto the floor. She could see a flash of anger in the clenched muscles of his jaw, taut for only a moment before allowing it to slacken and the smooth rich tone of words to come tumbling free.

"Now, now Mr. Krepner, what did we say about behavior? If you can't be polite to our guests you'll have to sit at the kiddy table." That seemed to displease Paul who straightened upwards and gave an obedient nod, looking like a puppy who was just kicked. Head held low and eyes locked on the royal table cloth curling the ends in his meaty grip. Clarice once again spoke up in the hushed silence insisting a bottle of wine, clearly trying to distract Hannibal and this time he relented. However not before prying apart Krepner's tightened jaws and depositing the piece of brain on the top of his outstretched tongue. Both of the ladies watched in horror as at once he began to chew happily and with a tremendous gulp swallow the thing whole. Flashing a triumphant smile completely unaware of the horror on their faces.

               With Lecter gone, Hope hoisted herself from the cushion with the napkin clutched tightly in her grip and stumbled hesitantly into the lobby. Gazing up at the ceiling that seemed to stretch upwards to embrace the sky and winding granite stairs leading to the upper area. At the very top of the roof was a circular section cut out to be replaced with a glass panel, the white frames placed in the pattern of a rose and the night stars winked down at her, like diamonds caught in the quilt of night. A heavy feeling weighted on her heart and Hope felt exhaustion tug at the very essence of her soul. Too tired to fight anymore against the feelings that haunted every waking hour. Even in the moment when terror and the smell of burning meat was taunting her heart burned for him. The feeling of his stiffened but warm cheek against her pursed lips.. It had changed something. Before, denying the emotions was simple enough, chalk it up to the intrigue they shared for one another, however the kiss confirmed something more. A physical yearning that pulled at her slackened muscles and reawakened the moths that doubled in size. Their majestic wings stretched to the limits landed at the crown of her head and began to seep away any reasoning. As if it was her own cerebral cortex sizzling on an open flame. The unfairness of the entire situation brought with it an anger and determination to deny everything and fight however those feelings began to falter. She simply.. Didn't want to fight him anymore. Hope moved towards a pedestal atop it stood a stone statue of the head of some woman. Cracks had appeared in the smoothly carved stone starting from the cloth covering her breasts to the eyes unseeing but so expressive. She reached out to it and felt the cold material against her fingertips, grasping the slender neck with care and hoisting it upward. This would do well for defense.. Seeing as the other weapon had been confiscated.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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