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I enter the prefect's bathroom as usual. I thank God once more that this was my last year and I wouldn't have to put up with the boys' mess anymore. Inside, I take a quick shower, relieved that the 'hair removal' spell had worked and my body had finally stopped itching. As I go out and place myself in front of the mirror to apply some lotion after towel-drying myself, I am still taken aback by my appearance. Puberty had hit me like a meteor. My once bushy hair had calmed down, I somehow developed an hour glass figure and managed to keep my thin shape. However, what astonished me most was really the pair of racks. What could they possibly be by now? DD cup? Maybe bigger? It sometimes bothered me but at the same time, it made me feel good about myself. It made me acknowledge my long-buried sexuality and I honestly felt like a woman. Staring into the mirror, I start making funny noises and faces whilst bouncing them up and down with my hands. What a woman. As I silently laugh at my childishness, knocks on the door.

"Bloody hell, Granger did you die in there or what?" I hear the familiar, yet still annoying voice of Draco Malfoy. Being a prefect had its perks: you could boss people around and have nearly as much authority as a teacher outside classroom. Plus, you get to use the prefects' bathroom which was generally pretty nice. However, on the other hand, you get to pick if you wish to live in the prefect's dorm. Since the transference of Ron's new girlfriend to Hogwarts and Gryffindor happened in the same year as me becoming a prefect, I was kindly invited to leave Gryffindor's dorm in order to make room to the newcomer. Prefect's it is. All other prefects are kind and sympathetic; and then, there's the Slytherin ones. Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. What a duo. Although Pansy just follows Malfoy around as if she was his tail or something, the silver-haired creature acts around as if he was the prefect's prefect. Or so he believes. No one puts up with him, really. His fame is kind of degrading. Let's hope that's a good thing. Meanwhile, I politely answer:

"A bit early on schedule, Malfoy. Has you last night's prey waken you up?" I tease him. Malfoy had this awfully disturbing habit of bringing in girls every Friday night. Mostly one, but there where days the orgy took larger proportions. He took pleasure in specifically leaving his bedroom door ajar, aware that my room was right across from his, just to delight me with the unending moans and growls coming from his bed as he fucked those poor girls' brains out. It could become so animalistic sometimes that it almost got me a bit curious as to how good he really was in bed.

God, Hermione what's wrong with you? You're a pure and delicate lady, no time for thinking about the long and hard nights you spent awake because of his messes.

Long and hard...

Okay enough.

"Very funny, Granger. I suppose I brought a ginger bread in last night." He says ironically. That's when it hits me. I had forgotten it was Christmas break already. Mum and dad decided to travel around the world. Me? Oh, I had to stay. They couldn't be bothered. Something about a "second honey moon". Wait a second. Precisely, Christmas break. What was that blond git still doing here? He always went back to his manor for the holidays. Things must be tough at the Blondies Family. Well, now my punch line was ruined.

"Who knows? Maybe you're so desperate and craving you might even have brought in Myrtle for all I care. You probably haven't noticed in these three years we've been prefects together but I always wake up early for my shower so if you decided to pop those eyelids open in a different schedule today, you'll simply have to wait 'till I'm done." There. That was... unnecessarily long. Oh well. I hear an impatient grunt from outside the door, meaning my work was done.

As I hear his footsteps walking away, I continue where I'd stopped. After lotion was done, I proceed to put on my clothes. Puberty may have hit me, but no one had a clue. I developed an impressive ability to hide my body under the school uniform's baggy clothes. But it was Christmas holiday. There was no dress code today and I had to sort out a way. I put on some sweatpants, a long-sleeved body-tight wine coloured shirt and a baggy, 2-times-my-size sweatshirt. I remove the water from my hair with my wand and tie the tamed waves in a bun. I fold my towel and walk out of that bathroom untouchable. As I make my way to my bedroom, I can hear Malfoy's angry stomps from the prefect's common room to the bathroom. I count to three and the door slams shut precisely when expected.

I keep my towel in the closet and grab my potions material for that 5 rolls research on the incorrect use of healing elixirs. Snape could be really unnecessary sometimes. I take my material to the "studies area" (nicknamed by me), a small place in the corner of the prefect's "living room" with a couple of shelves and a long table ready for service. I spread everything on top of it and start the small piece of homework. Around 10 minutes in, I'm still in my first paragraph, stuck in a medieval multiple death case because some numbfuck poured an incorrectly prepared potion into the village well in hopes of freeing the place of the flu; well, it did free the place of the flu - and of the people too -, when I feel a shadow on top of my parchment. I look up and no one other than the albino ferry is standing in front of me.

"What did I do this time?" I say, returning my eyes to my book expecting the always ignored implication. However, Malfoy didn't answer. I look up and his face seems oddly uncomfortable. "What is it?" I ask once again, now looking straight at him.

"I-I..." he stutters. Malfoy stutters. "Can I... call for truce... just for today?" He says extremely and weirdly nervous. He almost looked like a helpless baby. What the bloody hell was going on?

"Is this some kind of joke? Are you trying to play yet another trick on me, Malfoy? Because I swear to God that this time I won't fall for it." I say sensing a weird vibe from this situation.

"I'm serious. There's no one here so I don't have to play ruthless and evil Malfoy around for people to respect me." That was... deep and unexpected. "Plus, I need some help with that." He points at my paper, a bit embarrassed.

"Wait, this? You need help... with this??" I ask, not believing my ears. "Malfoy, the great potion's master, who always ends the semester with extra credit, YOU need help with a piece of parchment of homework? Now I'm really thinking something's up." I say putting my quill down.

"Yeah, well, I'm sick and tired of my father threatening the school so I don't have to stay a year behind. I want to prove I can do something, anything, without my family name always having my back." He says looking at his feet. That moved me and also angered me a bit. I studied my ass off for those exams and with a blink of a wand under the teachers' nose he was top of the class. But then I noticed something.

"How come are you telling me all this so out of the blue? I thought you hated me and now you're opening up about your life problems with me." I say raising an eyebrow. He seems to only notice that now himself.

"Oh... yeah... I didn't realise that. It's just... strangely easy to talk to you." I could feel myself getting a bit red on the nose. What the bloody hell Hermione. "And..." he pulls me out of my rubbing-my-nose-in-hopes-to-get-the-blushing-off moment. "I don't... particularly hate you. I mostly just pretend so." He says rubbing his neck with his hand. Was Malfoy... embarrassed? Ha ha ha that's new. However, why is my heart bloody skipping a bloody beat?

"Oh... okay, then... I guess" WHY THE BLOODY HELL DO I SOUND LIKE A WOUNDED PUPPY AT A MOMENT LIKE THIS?? "So... what do you need help with?" I say pulling my stuff towards me to make room for him.

Stormy Grey & Hazel Brown - A White Christmas TaleWhere stories live. Discover now