A Fresh New Start

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(Danny POV)
All I feel is sadness, but not just any kind of sadness, a kind of sadness where you feel all of your happiness being forced and pulled down into the darkness of the world, a kind of sadness where you want to scream and cry at the top of your lungs but you can't because a strong, dark power prevents you from doing so and your left there to cry and scream silently hoping someone finds you but they never do; that's the kind of sadness I feel. "Danny?" I hear someone say from behind me, "huh?, oh hey Jazz" I say seeing my older sister. She comes up to me and places her hand on my shoulder "are you okay?" She asks concern filling her eyes, "oh yeah I'm great" I say sarcastically. Just then my voice begins to crack and I feel tears fill my eyes "never been h..happier", "oh Danny don't cry" says my sister wrapping her arms around me. As she's hugging me I grab her wrists and throw them off of me startling her "HOW CAN I NOT CRY JAZZ?!, I'M LEAVING MY HOME TOWN AND MY BEST FRIENDS, SO DON'T TELL ME NOT TO CRY BECAUSE IT'S ALL I CAN DO RIGHT NOW!!" I scream at her, tears rolling down my face. Jazz stands there struck with surprise "Danny I..", "no don't, just don't" I say cutting her off "I'm sorry for yelling I just, I need you to leave please" I ask as I sigh with defeat. Jazz just stands there looking at me with shock before she finally speaks up "okay yeah, I'll..I'll leave" she replies before slowly walking back and exiting my room. "...damnit" I sigh as I rub my temples and finish packing

(Jazz POV)
"I'm worried about Danny I mean I know he's upset I'm upset too but he's really angered and sad by this" I think to myself, then I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when someone runs into me "oh sorry Jazz I didn't mean to run into you" says a familiar voice and I recognize it automatically as the one and only Tucker Foley. "Oh it's okay Tucker no need to apologize" I reply smiling, "okay great, well anyway is Danny here? Sam and I just wanted to say goodbye before you guys leave" says Tucker pointing to Sam behind him, "oh...yeah of course he's upstairs" I smile pointing to up the stairs, as soon as I finish my sentence I see both of them dash up the stairs towards Danny's room "I'm gonna miss those two" I laugh gently before turning around and walking out the door.

(Hiro POV)
Today is just my lucky day, first I wake up late and have to run to school with no breakfast might I add, then next on my way to second period I trip and fall running into one of Karmi's  projects resulting in me getting yelled at for the past two hours and missing my physics class, which finally leads me to where I am now, walking around the school to my third period class tired and cranky. "God I hate Karmi she's so annoying, Hiro you suck, Hiro your so rude" I growl mimicking Karmi in a high pitched voice, "Hiro! What happened you look so tired!" I hear a voice shout behind me. "Not now Honey Lemon I have to get to third period" I say turning around to face her, and less than a second later I feel a pair of gentle arms surrounding me "looking like that no you don't, you need rest" says Honey Lemon hugging me, "really Honey Lemon I'm fine" I reply trying to get out of her grasp. When she finally lets go I gasp for air and shake my head trying to wake myself up "but thanks for checking up on me" I say as I start to walk towards my next class. Once I reach my next class I open the door only to be greeted by an angry teacher and an angry Karmi "why are you late Mr. Hamada" asks my teacher glaring at me, "Sorry Professor Smith I lost track of time" I say trying to make up an excuse, "...very well, take a seat" sighs my teacher before continuing with his lesson. As I grab my seat and sit down Karmi grabs my arm causing me to yell out "ouch" "oh shut up Hamada" growls Karmi still grabbing my arm, "hey you think you could ease on the reigns a little" I complain trying to wiggle my arm out of her hand only for her to tighten her grip, "no..and also, you've been acting weird these past few days, are up to something I should know about?" she asks glaring at me, "what? no, let me go" I reply trying to get away even harder now, "oh my god are you seeing someone?" gasps Karmi blowing her mind with her own words before finally letting my arm go. Just as she let my arm go class ended and I left the classroom as fast as I could.

(Danny POV)
As I look out the window of the plane all I see are lights and weird electrical kite things then all of it disappears as we go through the clouds only for all of it to show up again, however, this time I see a bridge full of lights and cars and the city with tall skyscrapers and everything "woah" I say letting the word slip out of my mouth, "cool right?" says my sister looking out the window as well, "I mean yeah I guess" I reply with embarrassment realizing what I let slip out of my mouth. "Oh Danny give it a chance who knows maybe you'll meet some cute girls" says my mom smiling at me, "or boys" whispers my sister elbowing my side playfully, "Jaazz" I reply trying to hide my blush. Jazz then sits back in her seat laughing, "shut up" I snap at her blushing even more now, "what? I'm just saying" replies jazz smirking at me, "I don't like girls and guys I only like girls" I say obviously lying, "sure" retorts my sister knowing the truth. Then just as I was about to fire back with a witty comment the plane lands snapping me back to what was really happening. "Thank you for flying with us today folks and welcome to San Fransokyo if you are visiting enjoy your stay, if your coming back welcome home" says the pilot over the speaker before cutting out. "Ohhh this is so exciting right kids" squeals my mom, "yeah exciting" I reply sarcastically, "oh cheer up Danny" complains Jazz, "okay kids lets go" says my mom as we start exiting the plane. Once we get off the plane we grab our bags and leave the airport and drive to our new home. Once we got settled in my mom walks into my room "hey Danny we're going to look at a college for you since your so good at astronomy it's called SFIT so be ready leave in 5 minutes okay sweetie" smiles my mom before walking out. I sigh and get and head down stairs and get ready to go.

(Hiro POV)
As I ran out of my third period classroom to my fourth period not looking back even once, I keep thinking about what Karmi said in my head over and over again "oh my god are you seeing someone?", I think about it so much that I I'm looking where I'm stepping and accidentally slip on some water on the floor and fall right onto one of the college jocks who may I add always tries to get into trouble with me " oh my god I'm so sorry Ethan" I panic trying to apologize, "grr Hamada!!" Yells Ethan getting up off of the floor, "I didn't mean it I swear!" I exclaim jumping off of him, "save it! you're a dead man!" shouts Ethan trying to grab me, "ahh oh no" I yell before running off as fast as I can and as far as I can, "HAMADA!!" I hear Ethan scream behind me as I keep running until; BAM!! "Ahhh!, ow" I hear a boy scream as I run into a hard surface, "hey watch where you're walking" I snap at him as I opened my eyes. That's when I see him.

Not so bad (Hiro Hamada x Danny Phantom)Where stories live. Discover now