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Flames ascended from the concrete burners in rhythmic patterns. Chains clanked as I moved. The setting was unknown to me but I refused to open my eyes fully. A blinding sting flowed through the synapses in my brain and I fought the urge to scream out in pain. I flinched as I became familiar with the feeling of cold concrete against my bare legs. My legs and wrists were bonded to silver shackles on the concrete floor. Fire that I could only assume was a part of the same spell as when I was captured, vaguely blocked my view of the rest of the room.

I had gotten used to the pain of the curse since then and I was curious as to what the spell was called.

All my life I didn't have any known weaknesses. I was able to possess other bodies, permit biokinesis, be immune to heavenly rituals, have super strength, invulnerability, telekinesis, immortality, weather manipulation, and many more abilities. But I had never come across a weakness as peculiar as a fire in star formation. For many years, I believed I was downright invincible, but this was the very situation which proved my cockiness wrong.

Suddenly, a powerful aura cascaded over the room and pulsated through the concrete floor, sending vibrations up my spine. The energy was dangerous, dark and I oddly desired it. Once again, I fought the urge to pry my eyes open and discover who the person or being was, but I soon found out shortly.

"I know you're awake. Your pulse beckons me"

A cool, dark voice floated through the air, asserting a familiar dominance that I only recognized from my dreams. I knew who it was. I only wished I could see him. Sparks shot down my spine and goosebumps rose on my skin. Odd, I thought.

Carefully and cautiously I opened my eyes. The familiar smell of death and despair enlightened me. Just like home, I muttered. Fire blazed from the surface surrounding me. It weakened my senses but through gaps in the flames, I saw him. Those emerald eyes captivated my soul and knocked me breathless. He's beautiful.

But he's the devil.

"Do you know who I am?" The king asked. My eyes slyly caught his and I wavered, hesitation blanketing my features. I was perceptive, just as perceptive as he was. We both knew the true answer to his question, but we decided to play a game instead.

I decided to dance with the devil.

The king drew closer. His fingers inched through the flames and lifted my chin so he was in my line of sight. The hold he had on me was firm, present and the contact caused a sense of urgency and need to brush through me. He was enticing. My tongue darted out of my mouth and slowly coated my lips in warm saliva. His eyes followed the action and a growl emitted from his throat, revealing his true desire for me.

As though he had finally figured out my plan, the darkening lust in his eyes swiftly disappeared and his eyes held a guarded look. His calloused hand dropped from my chin and he walked away. Flames licked the surface of the silky skin on his wrist but didn't tarnish it. I watched the flames dance on his skin in amazement. It was truly mesmerizing, and I found myself wanting to experience the same thing, make the flames dance for me. However, I knew if I touched the fire, I would surely get burnt.

"What is your name?" The king asked. So full of questions, I thought. The king sat in his iron throne awaiting my answer. The devil's posture was relaxed but wary. I could tell my presence affected him as much as his affected me. The ruby-coloured jewels intertwined with black metal once again illuminated the ceiling with it's sparkles. I watched as he leant all his weight on his right wrist and stared at me. His eyebrows furrowed as he gazed at me. His jade irises scanned my choice of outfit but stopped at the place of my breasts. I scoffed at his indecency and he apparently heard it although being immersed in his perverted ogling.

His face held an irritated expression but a sense of amusement. He could tell I wasn't afraid.

"What is your name?" He asked once again but in a deathly tone. His question once again fell on deaf ears as I refused to answer his inquiries. Suddenly, he leaped from the throne in rage.

"Tell me!" He roared. I held a nonchalant expression as I watched the king storm around the room in fury. I absent-mindedly yawned in response and he growled in warning.

"If you will not answer my questions then I will find more painful ways to persuade you" His tone was eerily calm and I scoffed once again.

"Guards!" He called, not breaking eye-contact with my lustful figure. Rows of demons uniformly entered the room. Their black metal armor clinked with each step they took. Their crimson irises raked my scantily clad figure, which I had just noticed was wearing different clothing. However, whoever changed my clothing had brilliant fashion taste. The jewels from my red and black lace bodysuit glimmered in their eyes and some couldn't help the blood which leaked from their mouths. A few demons dropped unconscious from the blood loss, and I winked at the confused survivors. My charm was devilish and if desired enough, I could make blood pour out like saliva and kill the inhabitants.

I was dangerous and I demanded to be treated as such. Some demons with a more guarded personality didn't hide their wandering eyes and desire-filled expressions, especially from the king.

"LOOK AT HER AGAIN AND I WILL FEED YOU TO THE HELLHOUNDS!" A furious voice boomed. The king's demand shook the room and instantly a mass of demon guards dropped through the surface as if the ground had swallowed them up. My sudden appreciation for his lack of mercy changed my decision to torture the king. However, his protective nature would not go unnoticed by me.

"Embrosia" I replied, deciding to put him out of his misery.

His ears perked at my response and I thought I saw a hint of a smile on his luscious lips but it faded as quickly as it came.

"What are you?" He asked, settling back in his chair.

"A knight of hell"

He scoffed.

"Those weak, pathetic things" He stated. Anger boiled in the pit of my stomach. How dare he. I pulled at the chains bolting me to the floor. The sound of my rage-filled movement caught the attention of the king and he smirked. He rested slyly into the base of his chair and cocked an eyebrow at me almost mockingly. My eyes held a threatening tint and he noticed. Anger passed through his features as if recognizing that I was challenging him.

Rage spiked my senses and I sputtered, "Weak!? I will show you weak". My eyes drifted to the guards in the corner of the room and I roared. My arms acted out of instinct and I lifted my arms, forgetting about the spell I was under. I tried to stand but failed and I came crashing to the floor.

The demons snorted at my failure and my eyes narrowed. I was livid.

I raised my arms again and closed my eyes, requesting the power of teleportation. It didn't work. I desperately kept trying to access my powers, all passing by with failure.

"The fire around you blocks your powers." The devil cockily stated. I growled in response and pulled at the chains again.

"Put out the fire and I swear I will show you my power" I roared in sudden confidence, forgetting who I was conversing with. The king ignored my threat and instead continued to speak.

"They say you were banished to live in the forest. Is that true?" I diverted my eyes from his and forced myself to nod without a witty remark.

"What did you do to deserve that punishment?" My eyes snapped back to his. His voice changed to one of curiosity and less menacing than before.

"I had a habit of eating lost souls" My tone was clipped, and I chose to give him the least amount of information as possible. The less they know the better.

I felt I was prepared for the first few questions, but nobody could have prepped me for the next one.

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