Two Little Steps

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I just wanna say, a hUGE thank you to everyone who comments, votes, reads, even skims over these one-shots, because if it wasn't for you guys, I... I don't know, actually. You guys just make me feel good, and I don't know what would happen if no one did. So thank you all, A.K.A you there taking your time to read this little paragraph <3

So, this one will probably be more like a whole story than a one-shot, but I shorten the chapters a lot. (P.S, once I was at 1776 words, I went and sang "1776. nEw yOrK cItY-")

Summary thingy: A.U that I came up with where Harry grows up with the 1/3 shitty Malfoys instead of the 3/3 shitty Dursleys. Oh, and you know the whole "Harry must stay until he's 17 or else he be a dead bish cuz we need to maintain the blood protection of Lily's sacrifice." Yeah, that thing, that doesn't exist here

Year: it just goes through their whole life, from when Harry's an adorable little baby to when he's an easily aroused teenager

POV: the narrator's (aka we can tell what everyone's thinking but I won't say anyone else's thoughts except Draco's for some reason)

Words: 6988

"Well, a-are you sure that this is what the boy would want, Albus?" Asked McGonagall, twiddling her thumbs nervously outside of Malfoy Manor. It greatly resembled a Muggle haunted house; one would expect a strike of lighting right above the tallest pillar to hit any second from now. "We know that the Malfoys have a bit of a... a bad history, if I may say..."

"Yes, Minerva." Answered Dumbledore with a slow nod. "I feel the boy would like them better than the Dursleys on Privet Drive... besides, the Malfoys are related to Harry by a long distance, so we are allowed to leave him here. Lucius might be a bit harsh, but Narcissa and their little Draco might be understanding and patient. If all else fails, we take him to the Dursleys; mind you, they're all a bit unpleasant there."

"Alright then, Albus, we shall leave the boy here," Minerva said, twiddling her thumbs a bit less now. "Hagrid?"

"Yup, 'ere he is," Hagrid said, striding to the front doorstep holding a small bundle of blankets with two hands, setting him down gently on the stairs, that were illuminated by a soft glow of a small lantern; otherwise it was completely dark.

They stood there in silence, watching the little boy in his deep slumber, never twitching and oblivious to the fact that he has no parents. Well, at least, biological ones. Its bittersweet, in a way, that the boy doesn't know how horrid his life might be, since the Malfoys would be Harry's family from now on. It might be a shame, it might be a miracle. Who knows what little Harry's fate has in store? 

"Well, we should best be going; we wouldn't want to wake up the Malfoy family now, would we?" Dumbledore said. They wished Harry good luck, put a small note in his bundle for the Malfoys, and were off to leave Harry on his own, hoping he gets along all right, since the world could be a cruel place.


"L-...Lucius? There's a... a baby on our doorstep..." announced young Narcissa as she almost walked out the doorway and tripped over the baby. Thankfully she looked down before she was going to leave.

"...A what?" Lucius shouted from the kitchen where he was polishing his wand. It was bright outside, since it was about eleven in the morning, taking the malicious demeanor out of the mansion and instead putting an approachable look on it; it just looked like another house painted black that you'd find strolling along the neighborhood sidewalk.

"A baby, Lucius." She made a move to bend down and pick up Harry, but Lucius arrived and told her off before she could lay a finger on it.

"Narcissa, you don't know where that thing has been, it might be a Mudblood or... or maybe it's cursed or..."

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