Chapter Three

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[[before I write this chapter I would love it if you know that I post monthly now, every 30th. Even if the month has a 31st]]

As me and Jerome walked along the displeasing sidewalk, we came along fishy McFreak face.

"Hey Displeased Mitch," Fish Freak said.

"Who the hell are you," I said. Not quite asking a question.

"But it's me -"

"Shut the fuck up"

The fish guy didn't look hurt, but who cares. He walked along and I bumped into Ian.

"CAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKEEEE" he screeched and ran off like a spider. I sighed and kept walking holding my displeased boyfriends hand.

"What a freak," Jerome said.

"I know," I replied. Just then, we walked into a weird ass town. The sun had a rape face and it was snickering at us. I looked off into the distance. Than we heard a narrator.

"Welcome to the DWMA, commonly known as Death Weapo-"


"Well I'm sorry I'm just trying to introduce you here and-"

"Shut up"

"Fuck off."


The narrator got angry and we didn't hear his voice again. [HAHAHAHA I JUST WENT SOUL EATER ON YOU GUYS]

Me and Jerome walked into Death City. We saw this ugly flat chested freak with pigtails.

"Hi! I'm Maka Albarn! Who are yo-"

"Displeased Mitch. Now shut the fuck up tiny tits," I said.

She stared at me in astonishment.

I started laughing. I laughed and laughed.



Then I looked down at my body and I was a kishin. I started whispering 'moar soul. Moar power' for some odd reason. Than I saw Jerome was one, too.

I kinda got overwhelmed and hurtled at them. But then she sliced Jerome in half and a red kishin soul took his place.

"DISPLEASED JEROMMMMEEEE.... Eh I'm over it," I said. Then I hurtled after the girl and when she cut me in half-

"AH!" I said with no enthusiasm. I realized it was all just a dream. "It was just a dream asshole"

"Shut the fuck up. You're making me displeased when I'm trying to get my beauty sleep," I heard Jerome say.

I got out if bed and smacked him. He didn't react. "I fucking love you," I said.

"I hate you, too," Jerome said.

I pushed him over and lay with him, falling asleep.


Ps I have a different account that I'm always on. I'm always on justanimee so check out my Soul Eater books if you like. Why do you think I went Soul Eater on ya 😏

Peace! ~Jasmine

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