Part 4: Yen Yen POV

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"Want me to teach you?" I ask half intoxicated half sober. I sway a little as I get up of the ground and stumble over to him. He looks back with a confused look on his face. "Teach what?" I don't know what I was thinking at the time, maybe I was so drunk that I felt inclined to him, but I really wanted to help. We're 17 years old, almost adults, and he's never been on a date. I mean his whole life revolves around our stupid traditions. I obviously would never say all of this to his face, but I want him to have someone before he graduates,someone other than me that is. "Teach you how to flirt." I sler tiredly, slipping my hand onto his shoulder. As expected, he starts to blush, "Shut up drunkard. Lets just watch a movie." he says and continues to search for videos. I move forward, still a little dizzy, and move so that we're facing each other, blocking his view of his movie collection. "Come here," I lightly tug at the bottom of his shirt, pulling him towards me. He ignores me and shrugs me off, causing me to pout, stick my lower lip out, and make puppy eyes. No avail. "Seriously Yen Yen I don't know why you drink when you know you can't handle it." He pushes past me going for the bed. With what I believed was the only other option, I ran with all my might and pushed him on the be so that I was on top straddling his waist. I smile proudly at the fact that I got him down. All that wrestling practice over the years sure does pay off hehe. I reach under his shirt grazed my fingers over his abs. "Wha-" he starts, but I cut him off, lowering my mouth to his ear. I can feel a wave of heat from his head, letting me know that he was furiously blushing. I slowly opened my mouth and breath under his ear, feeling my best friend shiver under me, and after what seems like an eternity, I finally whisper in his ear, "Here comes the... TICKLE MONSTER!" Reaching higher, and tickling him under the arms, "Aaa! Heyy he he-!" he laughs uncontrollably, arching his back and falling on the floor. "Staaaap!! Ple-ha!" I climb on top of him straddling his waist, and move my fingers as fast as I can. This is fun. "Pwah!" he sqirms on the floor like a worm. I decided to go for the kill, and attack his stomach, but on my way there my finger accidently grazes his nipple. He flinches, his laughter turning into shock, then anger, "Qui-it!" he sqirms. "What?" I ask genuinely confused. "D-dont touch..." he wines. Once I realize what he's talking about, I can already feel the sheepish grin forming on my face, "Ohhhhh... you mean this?" I glide my fingers across his chest, brushing his nipple a second time. "Ahh. Ple-haa" His could feel his nipples become hard under my touch, "Your so sensitive baby" I say jokingly, mocking a girls voice. It's so fun to mess with him, and now I can get away with it cause i'm drunk. If I'm being completely honest, I was kind of turned on hearing Sammy moan. Each time I touched him, he let out a whimper or a plea, giving me a high. I could feel his parts under me as I straddled his waist, and with that I felt myself getting hard, and I think he felt it too, because he starts freaking out. "Yen Yen you need to get off RIGHT NOW." Suddenly, seeing him lie there powerless, gives me a sort of rush. "You can't handle it?" I sler flicking his nipples watching them get hard and bounce back. "Yen Yen!!" he suddenly yells, scaring the shit out of me. Sammy never yells. I stop tickling but continue to hold him down, "S-sorry for yelling, its just... I can feel your..." He starts to burn red, causing me to do the same, "I men its ok! Your drunk so..." I cover my face with my free hand as I reflect on what I just did, the alcohol starting to leave my system and being replaced with my sanity, "Well now I can't let you go," I say in defeat, "I'm too embarrassed.." Sammy sighs, squirming to get my attention, "If I let you teach me will you get off of me?" he asks trying to calm things down. I jump off of him and offer a hand, " Lets begin" I say with a smirk.


"Alright, lesson 1: Dont blush like that all the time." He covers his face and looks away. " I can't help it! Thats something thats out of my control so what's next?" I roll my eyes. "Ok so, when your talking to a girl, they want you to be confident and funny. Your funny but your not confident enough." He sighs in what sounds like to be frustration. "I'm gonna pretend to be Chloe ok." He bolts out a laugh "You really think thats gonna work! You're an idiot."

"Thats rude. Do you want me to teach you or not? Now come closer." He collects himself and moves next to me so that our legs are touching. "Ready?"

"Sure." I put my hands on his cheeks and turn his face to mine, then I move my hand to his leg. "Sammy you're so cute." I wait for his response but all he does is blush and stutter. "Uh-un. H-hi Chloe. Ehem! Wahna hear a joke- joke! What d-does-"

"Pwahhhh!" I can't hold in my laugh. "Why are you so nervous!! You can't even talk to a pretend girl??"

"Fuck you." He pushes my hand off of his leg and tries to get up. Oops did I hurt his feelings? I pull him back down trying to contain my laughter. "Wait. WAIT. Come back. Just try again."

"No, you'll just laugh at me again." He looks embarrassed and kind of ashamed; its cute. I rub his back. What a softie. "I won't I promise..." He turns back around and takes a deep breath. " Just be confident this time ok? Don't be afraid to take action and be direct. Ready?" He nods his head. I put my hand back on his leg and look into his eyes using my best seductive voice. "Hey Sammy. Your cute." All of the sudden, out of nowhere, he moves closer and puts his hands on my face holding either side. "Your... Your not bad yourself." I feel myself start to blush as he rubs circles on my check, but shake it off to try and keep going, "Th-thanks. What do you wanna do about that?" "What do you wanna do about that." Am I an idiot? Sammy's face looks relaxed as he stares into my eyes. Where did all this confidence come from? He puts his hands on my knees. I look down and see that Sammy is sitting up for some reason, and when I look up his face is inches away from mine.

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