Chapter 2 - No homo..

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•No Ones POV.•

America was sitting at the edge of his bed, waiting for the message from Russia, however, he felt extremely odd..

His heart was racing, he was in heat and he felt sick. He couldn't tell why but his mind kept fading back to Russia every time.

His thoughts where broken in half by the sound of his phone vibrating. It was from Russia.

Canada said to message you once I arrived, and I've arrived. I'm outside, wanna come let me in, dude?

America smiled to himself before standing up weakly. He walked down the stairs and mumbled, seeing his father, UK, on the couch. "Pa.. Russia's staying for a few."

He turned and nodded, and once he turned back to continue reading the paper, America opened the door, then stepped aside, allowing the tall male to walk in.

"Hey, Rica." The russian walked in, smiling lowly.

"Hey.. Let's go to my room. I don't feel like walking round or standing up any longer.." America held his head and began walking to his room. Russia followed behind him.

•America's POV.•

Once I entered my room I sat on my bed, moving aside my phone so russia could sit beside me.

"So.." He started, "I heard you crying over the phone whilst Canada was talking to me. What's up?" His accent was thick, but, I could understand him well enough.

"It.. It was just my past.. The bullying and.. Everything.." I couldn't help myself, and I began crying.

I could feel Russia staring at me, before I felt warmth and comfort. He was.. Holding me.

"Its okay now, Meri.. Remember, it's the past. The past shouldn't mean anything.. That's stupid advise but, I'm here for you, you know that." Russia's voice felt soothing, and calm.

I hugged him back, and wiped away my tears. "I.. Guess you're right." I mumbled, and again caught a glimpse of my bandages. I looked at them, suddenly forgetting Russia was in the room.

"..What are you..-" Russia grabbed hold of my wrist, and I squeaked in pain, yanking my wrists away from him.

"Don't touch me there.." I mumbled, before the russian grabbed my arms again, and ripped off the bandages.

Tears filled my eyes as he eyed the bruises and scars on my arms. The memories they have..

"..Stop..-! Why are you doing this!?.." Russia placed his hands on my shoulders, and I could feel myself holding down a bunch of tears and a sob.

"I-I'm sorry.." Where the only words I could force out of my throat.

"You should be! What if you cut too deeply, America!? You could've.. You could've died of fucking blood loss! I can't.." The russian sighed, putting his hands on his face, before he pulled me into his lap, holding me tightly.

I gave in, and once again cried. "You're such a crybaby America.. Why does this man care for you?!" Was all I could think to myself.

"If I find out you've done this again, I'll do it myself." Those words struck me, as I jolted my head up, looking at the Russian.

"R-Russia.. N-No, don't say such words.." I mumbled through tears as I felt a hand get put on my cheek.

"I will say such words, and I'll continue to say them if I find out you do this shit again. Rica, you're like a fucking brother to me." Russia caressed his hand over my cheek, and the warmth made me smile.

"If you.. I-If you say so.." I mumbled, taking his hand off my cheek and standing up.

"Where are you going..?" The russian asked, watching me walk over to my wardrobe.

I opened it, pulling out a bottle of Everclear I had stolen from my father. "..Its one of the strongest alcohols in-"

The Russian cut me off. "In Europe, I know. And you're not drinking that crap."

I heard him get up and walk over to me, taking the bottle from my hand.

"..Why not..? What's the harm it can d-" I was again cut off by the taller male.

"Knowing you. You'd probably kill yourself." I turned around as the Russian said those words. I mean.. He wasn't wrong..

"N-No, no I wouldn't. Just one drink..?" I questioned, taking a step forward.

I watched the Russian shake his head no, before putting the drink on a cabinet.

"Look," He said. "Its almost midnight, and you need sleep. Come lay down with me, and go to sleep.."

I sighed, before picking up my tank top and a pair of shorts from the floor, and I walked into the bathroom.

The Russian didnt question, but I went to strip, and put those two clothing items on.

Once I had returned, I saw the male laying in the covers, in nothing but his boxers. I laughed silently, before climbing over him, and snuggling in beside him.

I felt his arm wrap around my waist, and with that, I got comfortable.

"No homo.."

[DISCONTINUED] I Don't Want To Go.. [[Countryhumans RusAme]]Where stories live. Discover now