;; ocean

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- ocean -

I open my eyes,
I see darkness.
I try to get up,
Only to realise,
That I am chained;
Within my thoughts,
I scream,
No one hears me.
I slowly drag my heavy arms,
That are chained,
By my thoughts,

Are they still there?
I see a light,
A candle perhaps,
I call out,
To them.
Perfect strangers
They hold out their hand,
Suddenly I feel lighter.
I reach to them,
And hold onto them,
As if they were my life support.
They let go.
It is dark again,
The light that previously lit up this abyss,
Is gone.
Is it my fault?
Did I do something wrong?
Was I too boring?
Was I bothering them?
Did I slow them down?

With all my might,
I try to stand,
I can hear the soft sound of the ocean.
It's crashing waves,
As if it were my heartbeat.
It is comforting,
I block my ears.
Letting myself drown,
In the ocean of the forgotten.
Letting the waves pull me in,
Water filling up my insides.
I can no longer feel

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