░░Bf/gf headcanons░░

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Naegi⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 
- He worries a little too much, ngl

-bUt lEmmE teLl yoU, this boi lOves to cuddle, but doesn't like pda too much

-Ahoge boy

-He got them noodle arms

-holds your hand a lot under the table uwu

- blushy when you say you love him

- bf material right here.

-he cooks for you, bUt alMOst (just aLmOst) burns the house down.

-but he makes good pancakes.

-wakes up early

- doesn't usually get jelly, but hugs you when he does

- he gets jelly of Aoi cause you two have that cute friendship. You and Aoi exchange 'I love you's' as friends and hug each other a lot. SoMetiMes hE thInks yoU'rE tUrnIng leS FoR hEr.

-Sayaka is kinda annoying.

-you get jealous of Sayaka bc like tf she doin with yo mans.

-she over here getting aLlLl up in his face

-he started cringing at Sayaka after you started dating him

-he's loyal asf

-when someone flirts with him he gets nervous bc like, no

-bUt WHen thEy gEt toUchY hEs LiKe, uHm eXcuSe yoU.

-likes holding your hand

-you call him Nagi uwu

-when you come out wearing a cute outfit he's like, SlAy giRl. You think he's turning gay. (Totally ooc but I thought it was funny ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°))

- Aoi teases you about your relationship with him ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-he hugs your waist when you sleep uwu

-gets all serious when someone says you did something wrong

- uwuwuwwuuwwuwuwu

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  Togami ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

-don't even get me started.

-y'all have awkward hugs

-but you still have a cute relationship

-he's kinda rude and distant but he opens up and you wuv him uwu

-Toko is A N G R Y when she finds out that you're dating him


-ok, you be talkin to Makoto and he's just like, nO

-he will d e s t r O y anyone or anything in his way, including Naegi

-he'll go over to you and Naegi and SnaTch you

-you're like a whole snack and if you leave a snack out SoMeoNes goNna TrY tO TaKe iT, yA KnoW? Now Togami's possessive ass isn't gonna let a n y O n e
take his snack.

-he has a whole plan written out on how to kill poor Makoto, I'm nOt Exaggerating


-you sit in his lap and read books together. It's cute (˵UwU˵)

-he 'tsks' when someone flirts with you

-he's just like 'ew why and pulls you by the waist, and leads you away from the person flirting with you

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