Chapter 6

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I held onto my sister's hand as she looked around. My hood covered my face so no one can notice. The people coming are, Percy, Annabeth, Destiny, Thailia, Nico, and me. Surprising that both of my siblings are coming (Nico and Destiny.) If you didn't already know i'm the daughter of Hades. Everyone was packed and ready to go. Percy called a taxi for everyone. Once we arrived we started heading off to the musuem. I don't know why we need to go there but ok. It was dark out and I was bored so, I started singing quietly, "Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light. You and I'll be safe, and sound." I went quiet after the chourus because, I was bored. "Well we're going to have to stay at a hotel I guess." I heard Destiny say. Everyone nodded in agreement. "But, how are we going to split up?" I heard Thailia say. "Im sure we can stay by ourselves." Percy jumped in. Destiny looked at him in disagreement and sighed. Everyone checked out their own room and even me. I walked into my room and fell asleep quickly. I woke up first though, I walked into the hallway to see what's going on. Everyone was running and screaming "DID YOU DO THIS CORRECTLY?" or "NO YOU DIDN'T DO THIS RIGHT" I ducked my head avoiding everyone and got my breakfast and sat in a corner like always. I watched the staircase wondering if anyone was going to be up soon. I saw someone's door open, it was Thailia. She must have been tired last night. She walked down the stairs and got breakfast and sat at a table. Then she got up to check my room. Here we go again I thought. She went back down stairs looking everywhere and then she saw me cuddled up in my corner of Narnia. She stared at me in confusion for a minute and then walked up to me. "What are you doing in a....corner..?" Thailia asked. "S-Sorry." I stuttered. I looked down at the floor embarrased. I suddenly felt a force lift me up and push me towards a table. "You need to relax." I heard Thailia. I can see that you're paranoid. I lifted my chin and look straight through her sharply. "I am fine I just.... like to sit alone." I got embarassed and barried my face inside my jacket more. "Why do you hide your face in your jacket a lot?" She grabbed my jacket and pulled it down to where she can see it. She quickly pulled it up and asked, "So you're the person who got into the fight and thats why we're here in the first place?" I nodded looking away. I heard Destiny sliding down the rail as she said hi to Thailia and me. I finished my roll and O.J as soon she started planning with Thailia. I looked at everyone once they got down and ate. Annabeth asked if we were going soon and after that discussion ended we left. We were walking down a street when something caught my eye. I was only gonna get a peek of it. I made sure no one was looking as I raced down the alley and stood there trying to read it. I immeditly noticed it was greek writing. There was more. I followed the pathway wondering if they're going to notice me gone,probably. I was running until the message stopped and an underground pathway was there. I couldn't go back now, just no. So I ran down the pathway as I was wondering what was going to be down there. I saw a lady down there looking at the walls, I didn't know if I should or shouldn't talk to her. Or should I?

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