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The next few classes are boring. Hobi isn't here, it's math, and Jungkook.

Jungkook is the biggest asshole in the school. He looks charming and nice but of course that isn't true. And you'll never guess who his main victim is.

"Whatcha writing skin walker?"


My head snaps up, he towers over the desk and grabs my notebook.

Well he doesn't really tower but he's way taller than I'll ever be.

I jump up to grab it back but of course I'm too slow. He holds it out of my reach and starts reading.

"'I ate two slices of a strawberry! Hobi is gonna be so proud of me, I can't wait to see how he reacts!'" He snickers. "'I wish we could be more than friends so badly, I wanna help him get better and make more and better memories with him!'"

I ignore his reading, no one is paying attention to us. "Give it back Kook!" I keep jumping to try and take it back but my legs are starting to hurt. If only I ate more.

"Why? I could show it to him for you!" He smirks.

"Don't you dare!"

"How about we make a deal." He crouches to meet my eyes as though I was a child. "If you do me a few favors I'll give it back. If not, not only am I keeping this, I'm showing your beloved, alcohol crazed Hoseok."

"Don't fucking talk about him like that." I catch myself growling a little. It seems to take both of us by surprise. I'd never growled before.

Jungkook recovers quicker than I do. "Keep that up and you'll be on a leash."

"You won't do it."

"Try me."

"What do I have to do to keep this from him?"

"I need help getting with someone."



"Tae...You're crazy."

"Yes I already know, he's straight and out of my league."

"At least you're smart enough to understand that."

He raises an eyebrow and starts to turn away.

"Wait no I'm sorry!"

"That's what I thought."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"The key is to not be an asshole. If he catches you doing me dirty he definitely won't want to go out with you. Or even hang out as friends."

"Yeah no shit. Why do you think I wait until the second half of the day?"

I roll my eyes. "The next step is actually talking to him. I can forge a note from you to him to meet somewhere."

I take the notebook from him and turn to a clean page and begin writing.

"Where even would we meet. Everywhere is crowded and people filled."

"Maybe if you were an asshole to them they'd stay clear of you like I do."

"Shut it."

"You'll meet behind the school. Tell him you're too shy and feel better talking alone."

"As if." He snorts. "I'm not gonna act like you."

"If you want him so bad you're doing it."

I sign the note in his name and signature then fold it neatly.

"There. I'll slip it in his locker next period. You can leave now."

He rolls his eyes. "If this doesn't work you're dead Park."

"I'm well aware of the consequence and I'm willing to take the risk. You just gotta treat him better than you treat me."

"That's easy. He's way better than you'll ever be. Physically and mentally."

"You're a dick but I do deserve that. I look like shit."

"Yes you do. Eat something." He walks away.

Did he seriously just-Did that actually happen? He told me to eat which is something he never cares about?

I write this down to tell Hobi about it. I have mixed feelings about this. He was being nicer than usual. Maybe he's just practicing for when he talks to Tae.

I shrug it off and lay my head down, drowsiness washing over me. Next thing I know, Jungkook is shaking me and telling to wake up.

"Wake up Ruby Gloom we need to get the note to him."

"Chill out Kook he takes a while to get to his locker for lunch." I roll my eyes, standing up.

"Well I don't wanna take any risks."

"Whatever, come on."

We walk down the hall to his locker. I slip the note in before he can chicken out. Taehyung and I used to be friends until Freshman year, last year. He used to be all shy and quiet but now he's like an actual goddess.

Hey, I may be a demisexual but I can respect a fine looking man like Tae.

"Now the rest is up to you." I grab him by his collar and pull him down to eye level. "If you screw up the rest it's your fault. If he agrees to being friends, what I said about Hobi stays between us got it?"

He rolls his eyes. "You got it sir."

He walks off without another word.

I'm almost hopeful for him. Maybe Tae would help him drop the asshole act and he'll be actually nice to me. Hell maybe even friends.

I wouldn't mind it. I wanna make more friends but I'm way too scared of talking to other people. I've just gotten used to Hobi and Kook cause they interact with me daily.

Maybe I could try to make friends with him..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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