Chapter Nine: The Cast List

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Chapter Nine: The Cast List

I awoke the next morning to find myself alone in Joe's bed. I pulled myself up and off the bed, looking around to see where he could be. "Joe?" I said, my voice cracking as I struggled to smoothen out my bed head. He didn't answer. I stood up and spotted something at the end of the bed. I picked up the piece of paper, holding it close so I could read it without my glasses. 

   I had to go to an early class. Your pants and shirt are dry and hanging in the bathroom. Joey and I have something scheduled that we have to do later, so if you could be out by 10AM, that'd be great. Until then, make yourself at home. 
         Talk to you later when the cast list for HPTM goes up.

My heart sank as I read his note. It seemed so cold hearted… Like everything that happened last night never happened. I crumpled the note up and tossed it on the ground, feeling heartache set in my chest. I could except at least a, "Love, Walker.". Not, "Bye. -Walker."… I quickly gathered my things, and burst out the door, walking quickly back to my dorm. 

I burst through my door to find Lauren sitting on her bed reading. She looked up from her book, and smiled. "You alright? You look mad." she said, reading me like a book. "Wait…" she said, because I got a chance to answer her. "That's Joe's shirt. What'd you do." she said, anger and fear setting in her eyes and she set her book down. 

"We didn't do anything… He took me to the lake, we kissed, and it was amazing.. Then we went back to his room, and I fell asleep on his chest. But when I woke up this morning…" I tried to explain, sitting on my bed and resting my chin in my hands. "he left without saying goodbye and instead he just left you a cold hearted note." she finished the sentence for me. "Y-Yeah…" I said, looking down. "Yeah. That's what he did to my poor friend, Lynn. He then ignored her for about a month, before he came crawling back, seducing her again." she said, as she stood up and walked over to my bed, sitting next to me. 

"But… He really seemed like he actually cared about me.." I said quietly, as she put her arm around my shoulder. "And lets hope he does. All we can really do now is hope that he doesn't ignore you for a month. But if he does, then fuck him. Not literally… I mean like… We can totally beat his ass if he does." she said, smiling and pushing me playfully. 

I laughed, looking down. "Thanks, Lo…". "Hey, hoes before bros." she said, before standing and walking over to her bed and grabbing her phone. "Oh my God! Dia! The cast list has just been posted!" she yelled, looking at me excitedly. "Joey just texted me!" she said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the door. 

"Lo! Hold on! I'm wearing Walker's shirt! At least let me change!" I laughed, pulling my hand out of her grasp. She rolled her eyes. "Fiiiiine. But hurry! Here!" she said, grabbing a shirt and some shorts off her bed that were already sitting there, and tossing them over to me. "We're the same size, Dia. Just throw 'em on!" she demanded, hurrying me. I quickly changed into the purple top and black shorts, not bothering with shoes. 

"Why did Nick and Matt decide to post it so early in the morning?!" I asked her as we ran through the wall again, banging on the doors like we always do. "Early? What are you talking about? It's like 10AM, stupid" she teased. I guess I slept in longer than I thought… 

We finally got to the stairs and sprinted for the common room, racing each other down the stairs. 

And finally, we made it to see a huddle of our friends gathered around the post-board. "Joey!" Lauren yelled over, running over to Richter, leaving me alone. I looked around frantically for Joe, remembering that he said he'd meet me here. He was nowhere to be seen. 

"Mel!" I heard someone shout to me, but sadly, it wasn't Joe.. Figures.. Instead, I turned to see Dylan, walking towards me with that dorky smile on his face. "Hey! Congrats, Mel!" he said, trotting over to me. "Wh-what? Congrats on what?.." I asked curiously. "Didn't you see the cast list yet? You got the part of Hermione!" he smiled, pulling me into a quick but caring hug. 

"Really?!" I shouted, smiling and looking up at him. "What part did you get??" I asked him eagerly. He laughed and smiled that huge dorky smile again. "You can just call me Dumbledore!" he joked. I laughed, before Darren walked over and congratulated me as well. 

"Hey! Melody!" Nick and Brian called over to me. i trotted over to them, forgetting about Joe entirely. "Yeah?" i asked, smiling ear to ear. "We have a favor to ask of you." Nick said, putting his hand on my shoulder. Nick and Brian were two of the only people who weren't far to much taller than me. "You're studying in dance right?" Brian asked. "Yeah, why?" I responded. "We need a choreographer… And if you're up for it…" he continued on. "Yes! Yes! I'll do it!" I said gleefully, hopping up and down slightly. "Great! Here's my number, text me when you're free and we can get together so I can show you a few of the songs that we already have done. There aren't many, but there are a few we have finished already." he said, writing down his phone number and handing it to me. I could have sworn I saw him wink as he handed it to me… 

"Thanks! I'm looking forward to it!" I told him happily, before he smiled and walked off to talk to Darren. 

"Hey! Hermione!" I heard Joey calling behind me. "Hey!" I shouted to him, as I turned around to see him standing directly behind me. "I guess we're gonna be seeing a lot more of each other! And just a warning, all the mean things I'm gonna have to say to you, I don't mean them. i'm just acting." he teased, trying to hint that he got the part of Ron. "I know, Ron. I know." I smiled, hugging him for a brief moment. My head reached just against his chest, considering he was taller than Joe. 

"India!!" I heard Lauren shouting over to me, when I saw her sprinting to my side as fast as her little legs would carry her. "Did somebody say Draco Malfoy?!?" She shouted, earning a laugh from basically everyone who had seen the cast list already. "I'm guessing you got the part." I smiled. "You guessed it!" she laughed. 

The next week was chaos. I didn't see Walker once, as though he were avoiding me entirely, I still had far to much work to do for my classes to catch up, and now we had HPTM on top of everything. But, I finally realized that I had one day off. This coming Sunday, I would be finished with trying to catch up with my studies, and I didn't have class that day. 

Text To Brian Holden: Hey, Brian, it's Mel. I'm free on Sunday, so if you want to get together and figure out some choreography, I'm down for it.

Text From Brian Holden: Sounds good, meet me at Studio 1 at 11AM, Sunday?

Text To Brian Holden: Great, I'll see you then..

Thus ended out short conversation. I was looking forward to working with Brian and Darren with the music and the choreography, but Walker still wouldn't get out of my head. Why wouldn't he talk to me? He gave me my first kiss… He acted like he cared so much… And now he left me out to dry. 

But I had to get this out of my mind. I had to focus on school and the musical. I had one of the biggest roles in the play, and I couldn't let Lord Voldemort make me forget that…

Author's Note: Yes, I'm aware that Brian was not involved with rehearsals or anything during AVPM, but I decided to have him in here anyway. I just feel like I can do a lot with his character... So yeah. Get over it :P ---Hazel

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