Chapter 19: Sing With Me

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Chapter 19: Sing With Me

"Are you okay?" Joey asked when I stepped out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around me. "I'm fine. Why?" I said, playing dumb. "Because you look like you've been crying." Lo said, finishing Joey's thought for him. "Um.. No I haven't?" I laughed, as though they were wrong. They were both quiet for a moment. 

"Alright… I'll believe you… But you know we're always here to talk, Mel." Joey said, putting an arm around Lauren. 

I made a disgusted face. "Get a room you two." I joked, even though all he had done was put his arm around her shoulder. "This is my room!" Lauren laughed back. I just shrugged, and went to get dressed, Joey covering his eyes yet again. 

When I had put on my favorite 'I Solemnly swear I am up to no good' t-shirt and black shorts, I walked over to Lauren and Joey again. "What're you guys watching this time?" I asked, sitting next to Lauren and peeking over he shoulder to see the screen. "The Breakfast Club. One of my favorites." Joey said, smiling. 

"Holy shit dude! I love The Breakfast Club! It was all I watched for weeks!" I said, surprised that Joey and I had so many favorite things in common. Favorite band, favorite movies, favorite smell. "Right?! Lo had never seen it!" he said, causing my jaw to drop. "Lauren, you uncultured swine!" I yelled at her, smiling. 

She just stuck her tongue out at me, and continued with their movie, forgetting I was there. "I think I'm going to go chill with Dill and Rosenthal for a bit. That cool?" I asked Lauren over the sound of the movie. "Sure, go ahead, I don't care." she dismissed me, waving her hand for the door. I knew she never meant anything mean of the things she said, but a few of the things still hurt. Like when she said "I don't care.". I've heard those words enough it my life, and I was honestly getting sick of them. 

I got up from the couch, grabbed my phone, and headed for the door, realizing that I didn't even know if they guys would be in their dorm at the moment. I didn't care though. I mostly just wanted to get out of there. Away from happy people. So I suppose hanging out with Dill wasn't the best choice, but I was going to anyway. He cheered me up easily. 

I skipped down the hall, as I used to always do with Lauren, but lately, I haven't done anything with her. 

"Dylaaan" I sang as I knocked on the door to his dorm. "Comiiiing" he sang back, his voice giving my ears a bit of an eargasm. When he opened the door, I did myself the pleasure of letting myself in. "Hey Mel! What're you doing here?" Rose said as I walked into the room. "I was bored. Lauren wouldn't hang with me, and everyone else is busy. So. I'm gonna chill with you guys." I explained, sitting myself on Dylan's bed. 

"Sweet! Well we're not doing much.. Sooo.." Dill began, but trailed off before finishing his own thought. "Well then we have to find something to do. Duh!" I said energetically. I didn't feel like sitting in a room doing nothing. "Like what?" Dill asked, sitting next to me. 

"I don't wanna do anything. I just wanna watch movies, cuddle with myself, and sleep." Rose said, with a sad tone but a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and looked at Dylan. "Let's go to The Arb. I've only been once and that was before I left in the beginning of the year." I told him, grabbing his arm and basically dragging him to the door. 

He laughed, "Okay, I guess uh.. See ya Brain." he laughed, being dragged out of the room by the elbow. 

"Why'd you choose Brain and I to hang with?" he smiled, as I dragged him down the hall and out of the building. "Cause I didn't have anyone else, and you guys are some of my closest friends." I explained, still holding him by the elbow. "I'd hardly call us close, Mel. Maybe you and Brain, but we hardly get to talk!" he said, his smiled still not leaving his face.

"Hey! No! We're close. I don't care if we've only hung out a few times. You're awesome, Dill! I love you! We're officially close as of now!" I demanded, trying to act serious, but a smile crept its way on my face anyway. 

He just laughed slightly and looked down, pulling his arm away from my grasp. "So we're just going to walk to the Arb, and then what?" he asked, unsure of my plans.

"Then we just go nuts. We can do whatever. It's beautiful there! We can just enjoy ourselves! Why does everything always have to be planned?!" I shouted, walking faster. He just shrugged and laughed again. "You're a cool girl, ya know that, Mel?" 

"I know. But why do you say so?" I asked, smirking. "Because most people aren't like you! You're so… Uh… You're so spontaneous! It's fun! You're just random and mysterious! It's exciting to hang out with you." he said, trying to keep up with me. 

"Well what else would I be? Normal and boring?" I asked, smiling at his complements. "Well yeah. But I don't think anyone in our little group is normal. Or boring for that matter. We're all exciting in a different kind of way." he said. 

"Sing for me." I said randomly. "Wha-" he started, but I cut him off. "I like your voice, but I never here you sing. You have such a powerful voice." I explained. 

"Well so do you! You and Jaime have some of the most powerful voices I've heard!" he retaliated, obviously stalling. "Well c'mon then! Sing!" I demanded. 

"Only if you sing with me!" he said, crossing his arms and smirking, with one side of his teeth showing, the other side not so much. 

"Fine! What song?" I asked, crossing my arms to mock him. "Um… Beatles?" he asked, uncertain of how obsessed I was with them. 

I basically flipped my shit, jumping up and down. "Yes! Let It Be! You know it right?" I asked, and I could feel my mouth start to hurt from smiling. 

"Duh! Who doesn't?" he smiled, laughing at how excited I seemed to be. 

And with that, we walked all the way to the Arb, singing Beatles songs and breaking out into insane laughter. I almost felt bad that Joe wasn't there with me, but why? I was allowed to have other friends to hang out with while he wasn't there. And Dylan was proving to be a good one. Besides, Joe and Dill were friends too, so it shouldn't really matter. 

Author's Note: Strange and short chapter, I know, but I just felt bad for not updating today :/ :/ I'll post the continuation of this little scene later today :) Sorry!          And stop being so afraid to comment! I love getting feedback and suggestions, but I never do! Let me know what you want to see! What ships do you guys wanna see?? What drama do you want to happen?? Let me knowww!!! Love you! ---Hazel

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