Part 12

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Y/n's p.o.v

Did he just said that I shouldn't bother about him! But how?? He is my life, my everything he was really being rude to me, but it's just normal as he didn't knew what I am going through.

"I'm sorry babe" I muttered.

Yibo's p.o.v

"I'm sorry baby" I said inside my heart because I know that I was so rude to her lately and also what she is doing isn't right but I shouldn't be rude to her eventhough she is to me.

I heard someone's foot steps behind me, I looked back and saw Zhan following me.

"What?" I asked.

"What?" He asked me back.

"Stop joking" I said.

"I'm not joking" he also said.

"Why tf are you following me?"

"Ohh so you gonna walk home, it's okay then, I'm off, bye Yibo" he said and turned.

"No no wait I forgot, sorry for being angry at you." I apologized.

"It's okay, I know how you feel right now. Don't worry I'm always here with you by your side. I'll never leave you alone."

"Don't ever say that again Zhan, that's what y/n also said back then, but she did leave me. I'm afraid that you'll too,"

"Never, I promise and you know what I'm 99% sure she either won't leave you." He said but when I looked at his face I saw he meant it.

"But that 1% though, she left me" I said.

Zhan's p.o.v

"She didn't left you idiot. Her heart is still with you, and I'm sure her soul will be with you and your son even after her body left this world. Don't misunderstand her you fool." I badly wanted to say this to him but I can't as I promised y/n that I would keep my mouth shut.

"Don't worry, loss of something means that you gonna gain something more precious" I said.

"I don't want anything and nothing more precious than her to me at all."

"You sure about this? I'm gonna mark this words somewhere." I told him.

"Yeah sure" he said but Yibo wait until that little human being come to this world you'll take back this words that you've said.

"Zhan, should I go back and apologize to her" Yibo asked me suddenly, I don't know how to answer that but as I could see Yibo was expecting me to answer.

Honestly I didn't think it's a good idea because maybe now Cheng is trying to comfort her by hugging or something, who knows and if so I don't think that Yibo wants to see such a sight.

"Yibo I don't think that it's a good idea,but I know if you want to apologize her so badly there is no one who can stop you." I said and smiled.

Cheng's p.o.v

Y/n looks so worried, but I think I can't do anything about it, we should go home now but I think she is not ready to leave so i just stood there until she talk to me.
Should I talk to her?. But before I started talking she approached me.

"Cheng, I'm really sorry for what happened there, he is not a person who yells at anyone like that, I hope you can understand his situation, right Cheng? I'm really sorry for dragging you to this horrible drama and I'm really thankful to you because you didn't get angry and didn't leave me in my hard times, thank you Cheng. But don't get angry at Yibo for behaving like that, even if he seems so cold and rude he is not such a person he is very caring and lovin." She said and I could see when she talks about him her eyes start to shine so brightly.

Wow those words really exhibited that how much she loves him. He is a very lucky person. If he heard this words he will surely apologize for what he has said.

"It's okay y/n, friends never say thank you and sorry and we are more than friends right? Forgot already? We are a family." I said, eventhough I had a little crush for her past days now I only could see her as a sister.

"And you know what, Yibo will be very happy if he heard this."

"But he won't Cheng, didn't you see he was so fed up with me but it's okay, I'm the one who did wrong, so I can't let anyone blame him." Y/n said.

"You surely loved him lil sissy." I said and patted her head.

"Loved??" She asked and started laughing.

Yibo's p.o.v

I just heard the whole conversation, but couldn't understand anything. Why is she defending me like that. Then I heard Cheng saying this,

"It's okay y/n, friends never say thank you and sorry and we are more than friends right? Forgot already? We are a family."

Wait what!! They are nothing more than friends then. Why I had to act so stupid and rude to him. I surely regret my acts.

"And you know what, Yibo will be very happy if he heard this." Cheng said again.

I heard it Cheng I clearly heard it.

"But he won't Cheng, didn't you see he was so fed up with me but it's okay, I'm the one who did wrong, so I can't let anyone blame him." Y/n said.

No!! What! What makes you think like that y/n? Im not fed up with you, you are the one who fed up with me.

"You surely loved him lil sissy" Cheng said.

Ohh "Loved" it means everything is in the past right? That's the reason I should move on, she loved me not loves me. But I still love her.

As I'm here should I talk to her and just leave like I heard nothing. I questioned myself. No need to apologize, I thought.

"Loved??" Then I heard she saying and laugh out loud.

Why is she acting like it's a very funny joke, to me it's not funny at all. I went away calmly after hearing what she said but i was little angry because she said that she loved me not loves me. But who cares? We are separated now.

I left without hearing what she said after that to Cheng,

"Not loved idiot, I still loves my baby Yibo."

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