Cavern Crasher

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Class: Boulder/Mystery Class
Wingspan: no wings
Speed: 18
Size: 60ft.
Stealth: 16
Weight: 1,000lbs
Jaw Strength: 8
Abilities: Can burrow through soldi rock and secrete a flammable mucus from pores on their backs and tails. Can breath bright green fire and set the liquid on fire.
Features: Glands that produce mucus on the back and tail, collapsible skeleton, upper beak and absence of wings
Diet: Other dragons' eggs and hatchlings
Habitat: Underground caves
Trainable: uncertain (Maybe, but would be hard to train.)
Nicknames: none
Other Information: Love to eat other dragons eggs and are hard to train. They are wingless and live in caves.

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

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