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Class: Boulder Class
Wingspan: 18ft.
Size: 14ft.
Speed: 4
Stealth: 5
Weight: 5,724lbs
Jaw Strength: 8
Abilities: can spew molten lava and shoot fireballs. They can make a special type of metal called Gronckle Iron, a mixture of sandstone, limestone iron ore and hardened Gronckle lava. It is both stronger and lighter than forged iron. Can hover and fly backwards. They have a rechargeable fire blast.
Features: Large body, bumps on body, small wing to body ratio, clubbed tail, blunt nasal horn and sharp canines
Diet: Rocks, fire weed, fish and sheep
Habitat: Forests and caves
Trainable: yes
Nicknames: none
Other Information: They are loyal to those they trust and are good fighters. They are intelligent dragons. They are mostly docile dragons except when angered.

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

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