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michael's POV:

"t-ty stop! you're hurting me!" his hand slapped over my mouth, he pounded into me harder, getting filthy pleasure from my pain. i squeezed my eyes shut tightly, he grunted loudly behind me. my hands were tied behind my back, i couldn't push him away. it's the 4th time today, and he's tearing me apart. i bit one of his fingers to keep quiet, his other hand slapped me on the back of my head. i gasped and stopped biting him, hot tears sprinkled out of my eyes, my whole body was like jelly, my knees bucked beneath me. ty finished inside of me, pulling out slowly. i fell to the floor, pulling my joggers back up my legs with my hands still bound together. he zipped himself back up, taking a hold of my scarred wrists, he pulled me up forcefully to kiss me. i couldn't do anything except kiss back, so i did. i cringed at the lingering alcohol and drugs on his breath. he pulled away, untying me. i tried getting out of his grip, he slapped me across the face, my right cheek stinging. my hand shot up to massage the sore skin. he pulled me towards the front door. ty trapped me against the wall, hand snaking up to grab onto my neck.

"if you don't stop moving around, i'm gonna tie you down again and do something you'll never forgive me for. understand?" i quivered, ty's hand tightened, pushing me up against the hallway wall. i gasped for air, nodding quickly. he smirked and spat in my face, dropping his hand from around my throat. i crumpled into a ball on the floor, sobbing silently into my arms. he kicked me in the stomach, making me lose all my breath, he chuckled darkly, kicking me one last time in the ribs. i heard the front door slam closed behind me, ty had left. thank god...

"i-i need to g-get away..." i whispered to myself, gathering my strength to stand back up. i limped towards the kitchen, grabbing my cracked phone from the counter. i scrolled through my contacts with shaking hands, i clicked ashton's name, pressing it to my ear. it rung a few times before i heard his voice on the other end of the line;

"mikey? it's like 2am! what's wrong?!" i gulped, holding back more sobs. i wrapped my free arm around my torso, feeling lightheaded. the whole room looked dark, spinning around me.

"c-c-can you come g-get m-e?" i choked, my throat had this burning sensation that slowly began building up to the back of my mouth. i rushed towards the kitchen sink and keeled over, feeling yesterday morning's breakfast come back up. cold sweats began to wrap my body, i shivered and wiped my hair from my sweaty forehead. i stood up straight, noticing ashton wasn't on the phone anymore. i slid down the cabinets on my back, pulling my knees to my chest. i sobbed loudly, i as home alone, it's the only time i ever can. i heard the front door open and slam closed. i hid in the closest corner in the room, cowering my head into my knees. i felt arms wrap around me, lifting me up. i didn't wanna look at who it was.

"mikey, are you ok? did ty hurt you again? i'll fucking kill him!" ashton. i looked at him for the first time, he sat me in the back of his car, crouching in front of me. i nodded and wiped my nose on my sleeves. i watched luke and calum walk out of mine and ty's house, boxes full of my stuff. they loaded the boot of ash's car.

"you're not living with him anymore, we aren't letting you suffer like this, mike. it's hurting us. c'mon, we're staying at my house tonight." i was still shaking, ashton ran inside to double check he had everything of mine. i smiled lightly, it dropped from my face when i felt someone's hand pull my hair out of the car. ty threw me to the ground, pouncing on top of me, punching me square in the face. i felt blood gush from my nose, he was torn off of me. calum comforted me as luke and ashton beat ty up.

"you're not leaving, slut!" i shook my head, standing up with calum. we got in the car, watching ty throw a punch at luke, missing. he groaned and walked inside. the other 2 jumped in the car. ashton started the engine. we pulled away from the house.

"what happened? did he rape you again...? ashton glanced at me in the rear view mirror, i nodded, holding the tissues to my nose. he sighed, stopping at the red light. luke turned back to look at me from the passenger seat. 

"we won't let him near you anymore, mike." i smiled behind my hand, leaning into calum. my phone vibrated in my pocket, i answered the call without looking at who it was.

"don't think you can get away...mike... that easily, michael clifford. i'm...wake up, dude... coming for you, you're gonna be dead!"

"MICHAEL!" i shot up, struggling to breathe. ashton was sat beside me in bed, holding my hand. i felt tears falling down my face, ash wiped them away with one of his thumbs. i smiled lightly, thanking him.

"baby, it's okay. ty isn't here, he's long gone. you're safe here." i swallowed the lump in my throat, cuddling into ashton. he kissed my forehead, interlacing our fingers.

2 updates in under 24 hours!?!?!?! who's this new bïtch?!!?

this one sucked cuz i legit got the idea an hour ago :) ty for reading

-g x

sorry if anything's incorrectly spelt btw <3


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