Chapter 1: Back In The Real World

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Chapter 1: Back In The Real World

Sunlight poured into the old musty apartment that's been abandoned for months. An eviction notice on the front door dangling from a small piece of tape. Fenir approached the apartment, yawning loudly and scratching his head. A groan of irritation escaped his throat as he ripped off the note and stepped into his apartment. Everything was still in place, but all of his belongings were in the living room. He knew this was gonna happen but he could care less. He was tired of this place anyway. It reminded him of the loneliness he was plagued with. The musty smell didn't really help his case either.  A scourge on the heart of humanity. Like a bad memory to be forgotten.

One by one, he dragged his bags out of the apartment. His arms feeling like jello. Beads of sweat dripping down his forehead as he sat down against the tan brown wall. He dug into his pocket and fished out his wallet, opening it as a smile came to his face. The picture of him and his lover made his heart flutter with happiness. She brought him so much happiness and content during his time in SAO. Longing to see that sweet smile again--the same one that would make the strongest of men weak at the knees. Fenir leaned his head back and smiled, reminiscing on the bad and good times he and his lover went through. 

Meanwhile outside of Tokyo...

The orange haze of the sun shines down on the private military base known as Camp Zama, which also housed US Army and JGSDF soldiers. An air of serene and imposing quiet filled the land around. This day, a new Captain was to be announced. Ceremonial preparations were being made as the Lieutenant, Alexis Hernandez was showered with praise from her colleagues. While she appreciated the love and praise she was given, she could never truly be happy without the love of her life: Fenir. She stayed in her quarters for most of the day, pacing back and forth nervously. Shuffling through her duffle bag for the photo of herself and Fenir. It tore her up inside to think she might have lost the photo. That was possibly the only chance she had of finding him. Then, she felt her senses relax as she could see the photo sticking out the bottom between her combat boots. She smiled as she pulled it out, standing up and walking over to the computer at her desk. Alexis sighed, using the digital footprint of the photo she was given of her and Fenir to track his location and find him for real. She needed this man more than anything and was going to help him live a better life than a mere apartment one way or another. In that same fraction of a second, her computer chimed. A positive result came back. It revealed his address:

Sapporo Apartments
Toyohira-2, chome 5, Yaesu 11
Tokyo 189-900

The wait was finally over for the wary Lieutenant.
"Thank God... I can finally find him after I deal with my promotion today, and I won't rest until I have him in my arms again." Alexis spoke to herself as she had missed the man who gave her love for the first time in her life ever since the game was cleared. "Tokyo, eh? That's only an hour and a half from here so it's definitely no sweat for me." She murmured as she put the address in her phone since she planned to find him immediately after the ceremony.

An hour after the promotion....

She felt like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders because that ceremony was giving her a high level of anxiety, and now it gave her time to focus and prepare. She has a lot on her plate: maintaining her new role, setting an example for her soldiers, and the massive amount of paperwork on her desk.  "Fenir, I'm going to find you for damn sure." She murmured to herself as she got into her Dodge Charger Hellcat and drove to the particular address, who knew what awaited her there.

The car's engine roared as she pulled up to the apartment complex shown on her GPS. This was definitely it. She hopped out of her muscle car, wearing army pants, boots, and a hat with a black shirt, her dog tag dangling from her neck. In the hallway, she could see the silhouette of her loving walking down. Meanwhile, Fenir was struck like a deer in headlights when he saw her. She was just as beautiful as ever. Those hazel eyes glowing in the sunlight, further distinguishing her. That Texan charm he loved so much made him weak at the knees.

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