Chapter 3: The Elephant In The Room

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Chapter 3: The Elephant In The Room

Warning: Some scenes in this chapter may be disturbing or upsetting to some audiences. Read at your own discretion. Sexual content warning as well and the same disclaimer is in effect for that.

It's been two weeks now for Fenir. Being the lead of the Science Division means he is hard at work. While the superiors do appreciate his strong work ethic, they want him to relax a little. They can't afford their most valuable scientist working himself to death. They've noticed he doesn't come out of the lab often, and this could very well affect his relationship with Alexis.

It was just another day for the scientists. He had gotten ahold of some white phosphorus, and trying to figure out how to reverse, or even negate its effects completely. This was a dangerous chemical, so this would take months of careful cautionary study. Suddenly, the door to his lab swung open, and Lieutenant Haynes stepped through.

"Mr. Nyguyen. Consider yourself lucky. You've got the day off." He said smiling at him.

"Thanks, but I still have lots of work to do. Science never sleeps, sir." Fenir replied as he put down the vial in his hand. Being careful as to not let the phosphorus discharge into the air.

"Fenir... You're a hard worker, and the rest of your superiors appreciate that. But you are a human, you need time to relax. Your woman is worried sick and wants to spend time with you. So I gave her the day off so you two can spend time together. Now take off that lab coat and get out of this lab. Enjoy your day off, kid. That's an order." Haynes said as he walked out.

Fenir hung his head low at the statement, taking off his protective wear.
"Yes sir." He replied with compliance. He just hoped Alexis would not be upset or angry that he hasn't spent enough time with her.

Alexis was working diligently to train the recruits like always, something her and Jacqueline took care of in the KoB, sighing from not seeing Fenir as much but what can be done since he was a key scientist now?

"Why is he trying to mess with Willy Pete? I don't even know if it can be reversed to any extent."

She muttered to herself as the training went on and Lieutenant Colonel Allen came into the room.

"Captain Hernandez, you are relieved of your duties today and given a mandatory day off, outside of the given time you can take."

The Colonel said to her, not expecting what would come next.

"I appreciate it Colonel, but I can't just let training the recruits go by the wayside with China on Japan's doorstep and Middle Eastern tensions surmounting at this point."

She said to him before asking a very serious question.

"Let me ask you this then. Given the situations in front of us and who knows how many more lay ahead, how much longer will we last until we are in a state of total war again, Joseph?"

She asked him directly and by a first name basis since officers could do so when no one below their ranks were present, such as enlisted personnel, a whole different category in itself.

However, it was evident that the lack of time spent with and attention from Fenir both had her on edge, which made her ask that question out of line, but she was also wanting the man's honesty.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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