The Fuck?

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Uraraka kinda enjoyed being with the villains. Despite the fact that they were villains, they were all pretty hospitable. Besides Ridley who kept trying to train her to beat the shit out of people efficiently. It paid off as Uraraka stood toe to toe with Ridley, obviously her attacks didn't phase the big man but she did last pretty long.

Magne and Himiko gave her some "relationship advice" which was Himiko telling Uraraka how she handles the denial of love while Magne constantly flexes about how he got mad hoes over making a SoundCloud track and how he deals with them, which is grab a cane and break their kneecaps.

Bowser also taught her self defense just in case she gets kidnapped by a greater evil or something. Because you know, he WAS that greater evil sometimes.

Sephiroth just taught her how to dodge because everyone he's killed is just because of lack of reflexes. Though, his tactics to help her dodge weren't the best...

Sephiroth: DODGE.

Uraraka: WH-

Uraraka turned around only to get smacked with a baking sheet, which knocked her down. These lessons never helped.

Dr Eggman and Wily taught her to create shit like robots, Skinner too but it was just strapping multiple weapons together, some of them were pretty lethal though. Like a rake and chainsaw tied together that had to be held like a double bladed sword.

Twice taught her valuable lessons on life whenever he wasn't having conflicts with the voices in his head.

Kurogiri and Ganondorf really had nothing to teach the girl since, what can a Demon King and the apprentice of the heartless Shigaraki teach an innocent young girl?

Speaking of Shigaraki, he just taught her how to use multiple things without all 5 fingers, he'd got accustomed to it shortly after learning how his quirk works.

After Uraraka had grown close to the villains, she'd actually forgotten that her friends were in the castle and could easily be saved. Well not easily but still. They actually tried to treat her as family despite the fact they can change someone's outlook on a person but not their ideals. Uraraka, still wanting to be a hero grew closer to the villains but tried not to grow too close, or else she'd be known as the only villain in UA. She'd never hear the end of it, especially with pieces of shit like Monoma.

Uraraka was sitting and talking with Himiko and Twice who were of course helping her vent about her feelings towards Deku.
Then Indian Panini starts playing because Shigaraki is actually the Nigerian prince who blasts this shit who constantly says he related to you for money.

Then Uraraka said she started to feel a little sick, of course the two next to her decided to try take her out and get her checked out, but then she started glowing and floating when the volume of the music increased, she basically went into the Avatar state because the power of Indian Panini? Too fucking powerful.

Himiko and Twice tried to calm the girl down but she blasted them away. Then the other villains besides Shigaraki (too in depth into Indian Panini lyrics, honestly a mood.) And Sephiroth. (Out getting milk. We all know cereal is the most evil breakfast food. Especially regular Cheerios, Count Chocula and other General Mills cereals, niggas taste delicious but barely do shit.)

Eventually after every villain who provoked her was taken out, Sephiroth appears out of fucking nowhere and just stabs her in the back with his sword, Final Fantasy VII style. But the millisecond that the glowing starts to fade, he pulls out the sword and tends to her wounds. Some say to this day Shigaraki is still playing Indian Panini.

Moral of the story: Don't listen to Indian Panini near people who you know don't have potential to fuck you up. It gives them the power to do so.

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