Chapter 3: The Trouble Happens (and I'm Ready for It!)

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"MOVE! EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" yelled a Russian-accented man above me.

It happened after I smelled smoke and that the people aboard had panicked. Then gunshots. And some scared voices.

I overheard one of them calling, "Code Red! We have a Code Red, Jeremy! Shots fired on board."

Of course I stayed put on the baggage area. Not because I'm afraid, but because I'm waiting for something exciting to happen.

I waited amidst the gunshots above me.

Sooner, I hear voices coming down to the basement. They seem to hold the President.

"Get around here!" shouted one.
"Get him down to the pod!" shouted another.

They ran downstairs and passed the baggage area where I'm hiding. Yup. They did not see me.

"Move! They're on us!" called one of the Secret Service agents.

"What about my family?" I heard the President. Yeah, I can hear it loud and clear, unlike the voice I heard upon the speakers. (I am a bit in love at this such tone of his voice, but never mind me.)

They urged him to get inside, but in my view, they pushed him aboard, almost closed the door, and then, I saw one of the agents, shot dead.

The terrorists were so focused on them that they did not notice me as well. I saw them that as one of the agents distract them, I saw the President, sneaking out of the vault!

He closed the door and climbed above the vault, feet and all, inside from view.

The plane suddenly went downwards, slowly decending to the airport that I know in the movie as the Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

Just then, one of the terrorists shot the agent dead, and immediately went to the vault. They found it locked, but as they were about to shoot the lock, the pod went out with nothing in it, and I know that.

They soon left, just as I felt several minutes later that the plane suddenly went up again. Oh my gosh, there it goes again...! I thought.

I suddenly felt that there's nothing down there since these minutes passed by. But I'm still cautious about what is about to happen, so I stayed put.

I later heard one of the terrorists shout in anger. He seems to him that the president had escaped.

It was now so quiet in here (except for the roar of the engines and the machinery) that I didn't try to make a single sound.

That is, until I hear a scratch. And a bump.

I stared to where the noise came from, and I saw that the President went out of his hiding place.

I looked at him as he walked out (but I can see his legs), assuming to have been cautious as well.

That's where I heard someone speaking Russian. I know that, thanks to the subtitles, and it said that he was checking downstairs.

The Ruskie went downstairs to check, and finding neither of us inside, he went out to the back of the vault.

When he was gone, I saw the President going to the stairs towards the upper deck, posing as if he was watching something.

He then saw the Ruskie going back (on my witness account) and he was about to be seen when he ran off, noiseless, towards somewhere.

The guards did not see him, too. "Everything is all right," the Ruskie said to the other in Russian.

Finding them both gone, I slowly went out of the baggage area, taking caution not to make any noise.

Once out, I picked the bat with nails on it out of its place, and slowly walked to the back of the vault chamber.

Nobody there, I suppose. I walked around the basement to check.

I then heard a noise. It sounded like a football match on tape.

It was so loud that I hear it, too. I stayed put to listen.

But the noise ended sharply. The watchman must have shut off the TV.

Silence again, then I heard footsteps. The watchman must have been going to what looks like to me a beeping noise. An alarm, I presumed.

He then turned off the alarm, went again, and again I waited.

Then, I heard it; they were fighting. The President must have been fighting him off, trying to grab the gun, and then a whacking noise. He might have used a chair to knock the watchman out.

I then hear the jingling of keys. He must have pulled out the keys from the watchman.

He then went out, grabbed the gun, and killed the watchman with it. I can hear that, yeah?

When the other Ruskies heard the gunshots downstairs, they rushed over and try to find him. He might be anywhere, they thought.

I later heard gunshots. They were looking for him in the comfort rooms.

But they didn't find him, for they did not know of a hidden emergency exit in the area...

And that's where I met him in person.

It's now or never for Sarah, now that she will meet the President personally. See what happens in the next chapter.

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