How to Better Yourself

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This chapter coexists with the next. The next chapter will focus on self confidence. It is recommended to read that one first and coming back.

Bettering yourself can be viewed in a multitude of ways, ranging from the slightest improvement to a total makeover. Be warned, a complete redesign of your character does not always remain parallel to self improvement. It is a very dangerous and risky maneuver, but should the pieces be played correctly, you have the potential to create a world of difference.

Now regardless how big the change is you plan on making to yourself, you must first consider two things: what about me could I change, and what about me needs to be changed. This is important to ask yourself, as it both helps you determine what changes you want to make, and then narrows it to what changes you feel would truly matter in your opinion. Ask a friend, get advice. There's nothing wrong with getting someone else's opinion and letting it influence you. After all that's one reason other people exist is for social interaction. Use them to help better yourself which will in turn better your relationships with other people. However do not let others dictate your decision; while it's true no one is right all the time and they may see flaws you do not, they might see flaws that don't exist and end up creating new ones.

After identifying what issues you have, consider multiple approaches to fixing them. Some paths might be easier and more effective than others. Before going any further I must remind you that this, as well as all other things I shall discuss, require  motivation and initiative. Unless you truly are willing to step up and make the changes necessary in order to be one step closer to fulfillment, then you are a lost cause until you are ready. Blunt but true; until you are willing to be dedicated to the change, you won't change. Now back to the topic at hand. You might find solutions that allow companions to help, and you might find solutions that only allow you to make an impact. Don't ever feel as though you can't go to others for help either. Everyone always needs at least one person they can go to for aid. Multiple can be benefical and hindering at the same time, but all depending on your perspective. You might have people who truly care about you that want to help, and if not then go make new friends and find the friends out their waiting for you who do care. Either way, you are discovering that you have the ability to reverse or edit any habbits and specifcs you have.

Next you will set in motion the plan you have devised. Once the wheels begin to spin, it becomes easier to travel. While the road may have bumps and turns, obstacles or even missing concrete entirely, it always leads somewhere. Becoming a better person merely means: analyzing your person as a whole and individual aspects, finding different ways to fix them, and having the courage and strength to stick to the change and truly make a difference.

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