Chapter Two

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Chapter Two | What Do You Want

With a cry, I half sat up.

Mafui'e sat in the chair across from me. He stared at me without expression.

Would he kill me? I already decided I would give him whatever he wanted. I just didn't want to die.

"You passed out," his voice was deep and rough. "Drink some tea." Mafui'e said as he gestured to the tea mug on the nightstand.

My eyes flicked to a steaming mug on the nightstand.

None of this was making sense.

"You made tea?" I asked.

He didn't answer. He just sat there with his arms crossed over his powerful chest.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked.

A shocked expression flitted across his face. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. "No, I'm not going to kill you." He answered.

"What do you want from me?" I asked as my voice shook.

"You." He said, before he got up and walked out of the room, leaving me in shock.

Teuila entered the room with a tray in her hands.

"Nicole, you must be hungry?" Teuila asked as she places the tray on the bed. "I brought you some food." She added.

"Teuila, why am I here?" I asked.

"My brother has not explained it to you but he will soon. I cannot tell you. I'm sorry, Nicole." Teuila answered.

"I do not understand." I said.

"Please, eat and rest some more." Teuila said, smiling.

"I'm not hungry." I said.

"Nicole." Teuila said.

"Leave." I said.

"Nicole, please do not be stubborn. Eat or else my brother will come and force you to eat." Teuila said.

"You tell your brother he better stay the hell away from me unless he sending me back home." I said.

"Nicole." Teuila said.

"I'm serious, Teuila." I said.

"As you wish." Teuila said, walking out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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