Chapter One

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The bright screen my laptop dimly lights up my face. I look over to the clock on my desk, as it reads 1:30 am. I look back to my laptop screen, and I look down to the other side of me to see Jeremy sleeping. His face is buried underneath the pillows of my bed. I started to feel my face warm up and my thoughts become filled with Jeremy. I turn my laptop off and lightly place it on my desk.

I was so happy it was a Friday night, I really did not want to go to school. High school is so dreadful, all of the class assignments and peer drama bother me so much. However, knowing that Jeremy will always be there for me, truly is reassuring. I really do think that I cannot go a day without him, he is my life support, and without him I would fall apart; but good thing I know he will not leave me. 

As my thoughts of Jeremy leave my head, I can feel my eyes begin to slowly lower. I moved my way under the blankets and slowly slid my body to Jeremy. The warmth of his body was calming and pleasant. Then before I knew it I was already asleep dreaming of what we did together. 

The next morning I was awoken to Jeremy playing with my hair. It gave me a lot of butterflies and made my heart beat begin to quicken. I moved my head to look up at him. In reaction, he gave a soft smile. I did not want this to end, I was too happy and tired to do anything else on this Saturday morning. But before I knew it I was staring at my laptop screen, and daydreaming about him once again. 

I looked over at my clock, as it read 8:00 am. I grabbed my phone from my desk, and opened my messager app to text Jeremy. However, I immediately started to panic because it was Tuesday. I speedily changed my clothes and grabbed all of my school belongings, my headphones, my hoodie; even though it would be warmer today, and ran out of my room and to my car. I quickly started my car, and sped to school since I was an hour late. I could feel my palms begin to sweat and my fingers become a little numb.

Once I arrived I quickly made my way to my class, I did not need a pass; since my chemistry teacher was really lenient with me being late or absent. I quietly opened the door to the science wing, and made my way down the hall to my chemistry classroom.Once I arrived, I felt myself being to breathe quickly. I was not so sure about going to school today. Maybe I should just go back home, and tell the school, my parents, and Jeremy that I was too sick. Which right now, really seems like a great plan.

I checked my phone again, and I saw several notifications from Jeremy asking me where I am at, since he did not seem me this morning. I took a deep breath, and opened the door to my class room. My teacher was lecturing about Newton's Laws, and in the back I saw the "Love of my Life", Jeremy, staring in to the void of space. Once he noticed I was here, his facial expression quickly changed from dead to extremely happy. I quickly walked over to the seat next to him and sat down. I grabbed my notebook from out of my backpack and placed it on the table.

Once I was settled in my seat, I could feel Jeremy's hand brush against my hand multiple times in the desk. I looked over to him, and I saw his face light up.

The sensation of butterflies started to grow in my stomach and my face felt really warm, but I fought the need of hold his hand and slightly moved away from him. I am sorry Jeremy, but do you not like Christine in a romantic sense. 

My gaze moved away from him and to the teacher, who was still lecturing. I heard Jeremy sigh with slight disappointment. I looked back over to him and gave a light smile, which was my attempt to make him feel better. He smiled in return, but I could tell it was fake, he really was not happy with me. 

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