Chapter Two

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After class Jeremy and I headed to the library. As I was walking beside him, I noticed that he was not making as much eye contact with me as we usually do. I then felt my stomach begin to ache, which was followed by a sharp pain in my lungs.

"Oh no, please not again", I thought. I felt like I was about to vomit. 

As we made our way in to the library, I quickly walked to the bathroom. I opened a stall, and slammed it shut. I pulled the sleeves of my hoodie up, and sat next the toilet. My stomach felt horrible and it was getting harder to breathe, I then quickly moved over to the toilet and vomited yellow alstroemeria petals that were covered in blood. After that, I just sat next to the toilet and started to wonder if having these feelings for Jeremy were worth the pain of vomiting almost everyday. 

Once was able to get my composure back, I flushed the toilet and slowly opened the door. I made my way over to the rows of sinks in the bathroom. I turned on the water and washed out my mouth, rinsed off my hands, and fixed my hair. I walked over to the paper towel dispenser, but there were still no paper towels; so I just wiped my hands on my jeans. 

When I made my way out of the bathroom, I saw Jeremy sitting at a corner table in the library; working on the homework we revived in chemistry. While I was walking towards Jeremy, I could feel myself become nauseous again. I did not feel like sitting in the bathroom until the bell, so I continued to walk to Jeremy. Once I was next to him I quickly pulled up a seat. I felt so exhausted, so I just put my arms on the table and laid my head on them and closed my eyes. 

I then felt a warm hand rub up and down my back. I did not want to move or push the hand away, so I just accepted this kind gesture; from I am assuming, Jeremy. My stomach began to fill with butterflies as I started to drift off to sleep. However that soon ended when the warm hand stopped rubbing my back, and started to rub my thighs. My breathing began to deepen, and I let out a soft moan. I then slowly moved my head to look at Jeremy, and I just saw him softly smiling at me with a completely red face. I was not sure what to do, even though I extremely was enjoying every bit of this.

I was certain that Jeremy loves Christine and not me, but I am now starting to rethink that. Then out of confusion, I softly grabbed his hand and moved it back to the top of the table. 

I heard Jeremy give a sigh, but soon after he just continued to work on his chemistry homework. I felt really bad for him, but I was not sure if I should accept these actions, or if I should just ignore and push them away. That thought lingered in my head for a bit, until Jeremy was ready to leave the library. He gathered all of his papers and somewhat neatly put them in his backpack.

As we exited the library the bell signifying 2nd period has ended rang throughout the school. We then headed to our history class. While I was walking next to Jeremy, my hand accidentally brushed against his, and in return he softly grabbed my hand and held it until we made it to our class. Butterflies filled my stomach and I was overcome with so much happiness. My face began to fell extremely warm. Even though the class started multiple minutes ago, I could not stop thinking about him.  

Throughout the rest of the day, I did not feel nauseous or sick. Was I finally cured of this harsh and unfair disease? Once the school day ended, I walked to my car and saw Jeremy; he was talking to Christine. I stood next to my car watched them, I guess they were talking about the chemistry homework for science. However when their conversation ended, Christine gave Jeremy a kiss on the cheek, which was followed by a long hug; that Jeremy seemed to be enjoying.

My stomach dropped and my heart sank. I got inside of my car and drove home. When I arrived I grabbed my backpack and unlocked the front door of my house. When I entered, rushed to my room and I immediately threw my bag on to the floor and sat on my bed. 

"Why did I ever think I had a chance to be with him", I spoke as I started to cough up more petals and blood. 

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