Chapter One

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Italics are the thoughts of the person unless it's a single word in the sentence.

Bold could mean that they're emphasising on the word or point.


" Hey Jisung! " Jiyong smiled as he sat down in front of the boy, who looked up with a lazy smile.

" Hi there!~ Yongie~ you look in a good mood today " Jisung spoke as he leaned on the table, watching the other male intently. His best friend was literally glowing.

" Yeah well I am! Guess what? " Before Jisung could even reply the other male continued to speak.

" I met a fortune teller and she said that I was a king in the past life and that I'll have lots of money and love! " He exclaimed as he smiled brightly. Jisung raised an eyebrow but kept his smile in place before a low chuckle escaped his lips.

" You believe in past life, right? " Jiyong asked Jisung, who shrugged and took a sip from his glass of strawberry shake.

" I don't. They're utterly nonsense " He shrugged again noticing the fallen face of his best friend, who mumbled something under his breath.

" Why? "

Because I know mine.
Jisung thought as he sighed and shrugged again. Jiyong looked like he was about to oppose when they heard a noise- a loud sound of the doors opening.

" They're at it again " Jiyong sighed as he watched the two famous groups in school arguing with each other.

" Yeah. Let's stay out of it.. it's none of our business " Jisung mumbled as he made sure not to make eye contact with anyone.

Jiyong nodded in agreement as he placed his books on the table and worked on his history assignment. Jisung sighed again, they had a history class today for like 4 hours.. just imagine how sleepy he would be..?!

" Why do we have history? " Jisung mumbled as he finished his drink and placed the empty glass on the table.

" I don't see you complaining when you get top scores in history..! " Jiyong whined as he slammed his head on the white table.

" Well that's..hmph " Jisung pouted and glared at his best friend. He almost flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder and screamed, fortunately he didn't.

" Oh my god! You scared me!! " Jisung whined as he shook the blonde boy's hand off his shoulder. The blonde male chuckled and sat down adjacent to them.

" I'm sorry. It's not my fault that you're so easily scared and jumpy " He smiled speaking in a not-so-sorry tone.

" Yeah whatever.. Felix " Jisung pouted as he felt another body crushing him into a side hug.. Kim Seungmin. The one who looks innocent but isn't innocent at all.. his looks are deceiving.

The two were a part of one of the school's most popular gangs- one of Bangchan and the other of Lee Know. Not so surprisingly none of them got along with each other since they had something against each other. Kind of a grudge.

Even Woojin, the school president had tried to even them out, bring peace but none of them agreed and started fighting again. It just seemed like they loved to fight and just bring out blood from each other's that's disgusting. Jisung shook his head and sighed.

" I don't understand what's wrong with them..! I mean why shed blood when you can just talk it out? " Jiyong muttered as Seungmin shrugged. Seungmin was the most mischievous person in his group while Felix was the intelligent one.

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