Chapter 5: Mama TattleTail and Me:

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- Writer's POV -

It's been a week ever since Mama TattleTail became my mama. We cleaned the house, I called the police to tell them that "someone" killed dad's wife. Yet they're still looking for the murderer... The TattleTails disappeared and didn't come back at all, I admit it was hard for her at first but she forgot when she took care of me. When I want to do anything like cooking and studying, she is there. When I come back from school, she is there. When I need someone to sing me a lullaby for sleep time or to tell me story, she is there. I am 18 years old but I still need to play and have fun like all children do because I had no past... Well, I had one until my real mama died... Who cares? Mama TattleTail is here for me, and I obey her in doing things... Only I wine sometimes when it comes for bed time...Yes, I may take some punishments but most of the times she likes me a lot ...

Now that I know it, even if death will come on me, I know that she will make me live the greatest life ever and she will help me live the childhood I'd missed...

And you, reader. You must know that nothing in this world is what it seems, if people looked at you as the world's biggest mistake. Or if they looked at another one the same look just because he is different in hue or skin color the most, that doesn't change the fact that he is a living person with feelings and need love. Whether is a human or an animal...Don't judge on anyone by their look, they are way more than just what it seems for the normal eyes. Just like Mama TattleTail... She wasn't evil, she was just broken because she lost the love of her children.

That's all I got for now, I shall tell you another Tale of the broken souls in the next stories...


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