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laurenorlando just posted on her story!

laurenorlando just posted on her story!

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kenzie just posted!

kenzie just posted!

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brynnrumfallo: SO CUTE
kenzie: love you

noahschnapp: excited!
laurenorlando: no
kenzie: oh hell no

johnnyorlando: BEAUTIFUL ANGEL oh and annie
annieleblanc: fuck you

asherangel: my baby looks so cute
annieleblanc: I LOVE YOU LOML

lauren and nadia were the first to arrive. they make their way to a table as they see brynn and finn make their way into the gymnasium. lauren waves them over and brynn SPRINTS over as finn just causally walks over. johnny and kenzie were the next to arrive, johnny spotted them from the entrance and led kenzie to the table. annie and asher arrived and went straight for the food but then made their way to the table, the last to arrive were  mandla, hayden, maddie, and maisy who all stopped by subway on the way.

they were all sitting at the table talking away until noah schnapp arrives. lauren spots him and makes eye contact with hayden. hayden immediately knows what's up and makes an excuse that he's going to go get punch. lauren immediately stands up and says i'll come with you.

nadia was a bit suspicious but kissed lauren goodbye even thought they would see each other in five minutes #ladia.

at the punch table hayden calms lauren down. hayden is the only person who knows the full story. she couldn't bear to tell johnny or nadia because she knows that they'll go crazy and do something insane. hayden wants to kill noah for what he did but he was sworn to secrecy by lauren. plus baby hay isn't a violent person or so we think.

lauren and hayden were by far the closest in the group no doubt in anyone's mind. they had a relationship like no other. one to make anyone feel jealous. BUT they are both gay so it's definitely a sibling relationship.

hayden ended up calming lauren down and they went back to the table. as lauren sat down nadia whispered in her ear "are you okay my love?" lauren nodded and smiled.

in nadia's opinion her smile could light up the world. she loved lauren there was no doubt about it.

they spent the night laughing dancing and talking.

as the night came to a close the twelve best friends decided to sleepover at lauren and johnny's house.

they were all leaving the gymnasium as lauren feels a tap on her shoulder she turns around and sees the last person she ever wants to see

noah schnapp

nadia stands beside her with anger in her eyes. she thinks "how dare he even come near her"

noah says "hi lauren can i talk to you?" "no" the blonde responds and turns around. noah shouts "i need to talk to you it's important".

lauren stops and walks back to noah with anger in her eyes and shouts "i will never talk to you again. ever. you know i've been telling everyone you didn't rape me because i was scared of what you would do if you found out. YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND NOAH. I TRUSTED YOU. then you did the unthinkable to me. you made me scared to even come out of my room. i hate you. i hate you so much." lauren cries as she shouts at the shocked boy.

nadia's soft cries could be heard from behind her. "he raped you?" she speaks up. "yes" lauren cries and takes nadia's hand to lead her out of the school. nadia tries to hold back but lauren's grip on her is too strong. they walk to johnny's car.

everyone saw that they were crying and continuously asked why. hayden saw noah come out of the school two minutes after they did and he asked lauren "did he do anything to you".

nadia told hayden what happened as lauren cried and he was furious.

he hopped out of johnny's jeep and ran over to noah. "HEY BITCH" he yelled to noah. "what" noah says innocently. "if i see you get ten feet towards lauren i will fucking murder you. mark my words" hayden screams at him and receives a few horrified stares. "you won't" noah laughs. "wanna bet" hayden says with an innocent smile and walks back to johnny's car.

"what was that about" asks johnny. hayden looks at lauren asking for permission to tell him the entire story. lauren nods and says "you can tell everyone". hayden tells the entire story to the group as johnny arrives at their house. everyone is crying and hugging lauren.

they all get into the house and start attacking lauren with hugs and affection.

lauren feels loved by all of her friends around her.

lauren now says "okay guys this cant ruin our night, lets watch a movie"

they watched the movie and laughed the entire time. "best movie ever" hayden says dying of laughter. "wait guys i have the best idea" annie says smiling. "lets go on a vacation, i mean we deserve it" annie says cheerfully. "i'm so down" lauren says squealing as she lies in nadia's lap. "finn and i can" brynn says. "maddie and i are definitely going" kenzie says. "mandla maisy and i are too" hayden says. "asher and i are too" johnny says smiling. "okay let's all ask our pAreNts and if they say yes text the group chat and we can figure out the dates" annie smiles happily.

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