On the Move

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For some reason, the worst part about leaving the house was the stack of dirty dishes we had left behind. Knowing that nobody would be washing them, and that they would forever stay dirty in the sink, somehow bothered me. I'd even gone so far as to load them into the dishwasher, hoping that nobody would open it and the mess would be contained.

Michael had watched me load the dishwasher, and it was he who explained that the dishwasher probably wouldn't work. I'd been embarrassed but at the same time I'd shut the dishwasher and managed to hold my head high as I walked away. As if I hadn't been a moment away from trying to start the machine.

We'd loaded into the cars, the same people in the same cars as before. Only this time we'd loaded the water I found from the garage and all of the other supplies into the cars as well. We definitely wouldn't be able to sleep in the cars, for lack of room, but sitting was alright.

The road turned bumpy not long after we left the last of the spaced out houses behind. Someone had suggested we stop and loot, but then someone else had pointed out that we already were tight on room. And we had everything we would need.

"What about another can opener? It kind of sucks only having one," Ben had said before we loaded into the cars.

Sam had shot him a look at the same time Adam slapped the back of his head, "shut up," Adam said, before he loaded himself into the car.

I wasn't sure how long we'd been driving. The sky was overcast and looked like it might rain. It felt too warm to snow. But still cold enough I wanted to wear a jacket all of the time. Leo was laying in the little space he could, his head resting in Sam's lap.

It was Michael who chose to drive this time around. Abby was strapped in a car seat that we'd found at the house, and Clarke was in the back with the rest of us. We were playing eye spy trying to keep Abby from being bored.

"I spy with my little eye... something..." Sam looked around, outside the windows of the car as he searched for something to be in his mind for us to guess at, "something blue."

"Was it the mailbox?" Clarke asked quickly, trying to guess before any of the rest of us could.

"It's the sky!" Abby shouted from the front seat of the car.

From where I sat, I could see Michael smile just a bit at his sister's loudness.

"No to both of those," Sam said, smiling smugly.
He liked to choose the hardest things. The rule was that we had to be able to see the object at any time during the guessing. So far, Sam had been the best guesser, and the hardest to crack. Which meant he got to be the spyer most.

Something that Clarke had taken personal offense to.

"It's the light on the air conditioning, isn't it?" Clarke said as she folded her arms across her chest.

Sam's eyes widened and his smile slipped, "How did you know?"

She smirked at that, "you're getting easier to read, Sammy boy."

Sam scoffed, and from the front seat Abby groaned, "I gotta go potty."

Michael gave his sister a worried look, "How long can it wait?"

"I gotta go now," she whined, squirming a bit in her seat.

Michael turned on his emergency flashers and slowed the car a bit so that the others knew he was stopping. He pulled off to the side of the road and got out of the car, slamming the door behind him.

In the rear windows, the rest of us could see Beck as he climbed out of the driver's side of the suv. He met Michael in the middle, and after Michael had waved his arms around a little bit while he explained, Beck nodded and turned back around to his car. Michael walked back to the van and opened Abby's side.

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