I. Escape

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I leaned my head against the cold metal bars of my cage. I've just about given up on trying to leave. On trying to live.

Speaking of which, I've been here my whole life. Ever since I was born. But, I do like to-

A scientist (or doctor) walked past my cage. Well, actually, he didn't pass without earning a deep slash in his leg. Before he could look to see who was the culprit, I retracted my claws and went back to my miserable position. He cursed under his breath and continued to move on.

My eyes were a lifeless shade of blue, and my hair was mysteriously half white at the ends. I suspected that the cause lies in the number of experiments performed on me.

I'm just an expirament. A lab rat. I remind myself. I glanced at my right arm. How many needles had they poked me with already? Countless amounts of times. Their most recent expirament ended up with me sprouting wolf ears at the top of my head. Those people, or rather, the Labcoats (that's what I call them) tried to cut off those extra ears, but they grew right back.

In twice as much time, I also grew a tail. They also tried to cut that off. I didnt bleed as much, but it still hurt.

So, you plan to break out.

Yeah. Obviously; who would want to say in this horrible place? Not me, of course.

I stared back at the bars of the cage. What if they were in my spot? I entertained myself with the idea of seeing these idiots behind these bars. What a nice sight that would be. Of course, I'm strong enough to dent this cage, but they have other... expiraments that are faster than me.

I rolled my eyes. They can all just freaking die.

They will. Just be patient.

Tch. I freaking know that. I've been waiting for years for a perfect moment. Although, if I fail, there will be no other chance. At least not for a few years.


I woke up early the next day. Actually, rather, I didn't sleep. I heard voices and, at the same time, everyone else in the room tensed. I looked on as a pair of Labcoats walk in with a cage. Whatever, rather, whoever was being held captive was thrashing around violently.

I looked uninterested until one Labcoat walked past my cage. I asserted my claws and slashed at the Labcoat. My claws buried themselves deep into his leg, so I had to yank them out, taking a bit of flesh with them.

The Labcoat yelled in pain and clutched his leg. That was when he realized the mistake of letting go of the cage. I didn't wait another second.

I punched an already bent bar of my cage, snapping it in two. I pulled one half and threw it at another cage. The animal held within it was startled and started shouting in terror. Then the others copied: a domino effect.

I crawled out of my cage. Is there any way to free the others?

No. You'll have to come back. Assuming you escape.

I cringed at the follow-up sentence. Idiot. Before the Labcoats knew what was going on, I bolted. Unfortunately, I can't just fly away like Maximum Ride, (I overheard the Labcoats talking about some sort of book. I dont know, just that she had wings.)

I ran for the nearest door, and threw it open. I ran down the now revealed corridor. I didn't stop until I came across a fork. Without thinking, I went down the left path. Something grasped my arm, so I swung around and threw my fist. I caught a Labcoat in the stomach. His grasped loosened for a second, so I took advantage of his weakness.

I bolted again, another Labcoat got in my, so I swung my fist upwards and caught him in his chest. I didn't spare a second to see whether or not he was still up. I ran until I came across a door. I kicked it open, letting the door reveal a lush green environment.

Is this... the outdoors?

Don't stop. Don't let them catch up.

Right! I ran again, all the while hearing confused and loud voices. Some of them sound commanding. I didnt stop. There was a fence ahead of me, threatening to stop me. When I reached it, I grabbed hold and climbed up. Something jolted up my arms painfully, I don't care. I continued until I reached the top. I heard a bark off in the distance. I continued my climb.

When I got to the top, I jumped off and landed painfully. I didn't stop there; I ran.

I'm not free yet. I will return and make you idiot regret messing with the ultimate Xentalist.

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