II. Unknown Lands

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There's no way I could keep running at this rate. I looked back, but there was no sign of the laboratory, nor of the Labcoats. I sat down on the grass, trying to catch my breath. I must've run far, since I could no longer hear barking from other experiments or yelling from the Labcoats.

Keep your guard up nonetheless. You don't know what type of tech they have.

I'm not sure whether or not that was my own thoughts or the voice projected in my head. Either way, I got up and started walking, lest those Labcoats catch up to me.

I don't know how long I walked, before I heard voices and motors. I was about panic when I realized that the sounds came from somewhere far ahead of me, not behind; I ran in a straight line.

I walked until I came across a building. Dang it, are they here too...?

No. You're safe here. Just keep going.

I nodded and continued on. Those voices can only belong to Labcoats, right?

No. They are a (somewhat) peaceful species called humans.

I could barely hear the "almost", but I promise you I had. I didn't question it any further.


I stood in front of a wall. I instantly thought of climbing it, but theres no way. It's a brick wall, there's no way I can just climb on it. I looked around, the wall stretched farther than I could see. And I have enhanced sight, whatever that means

Actually, I've seen some of the expiraments jump higher than this wall. Maybe...

I pushed off the ground hard. I can make it halfway. Before I fell back, I caught hold of the top with both of my hands. I pulled myself up until I was able to stand on the wall.

I gasped in amazement: I've never seen such livid colours! My eyes traveled from each building and person to all of the moving objects. My eyes settled on one of those objects which was made completely of metal. There seemed to be some sort of rubber material on the bottom that held this contraction up.

These humans didnt seem to be afraid of them. In fact, they willingly sacrificed themselves to these creatures and in response, they went away. These... humans are terrifying. But I must complete my ongoing quest. The only way to do so is to trudge on.

I hopped from my perch on the wall and landed right next to a human. They looked at me with shocked eyes. I tilted my head.

I heard a panicked cry, "It's a Demi-Human!" I looked on, confused. What does that mean?

Someone walked over to me, stirring angry shouts of protests. The man pulled out a pocket knife and sliced in my direction. "Die, demon."

I dodged out of the way and jumped upward just in time to dodge a second attacker. They must be working with the Labcoats. I have to eliminate them. I listened for a protest from The Voice, but there was no response.

I charged at the first attacker, asserting my claws. When I was close enough, I swung my hand, but missed. I heard more angry shouts. I was about to charge again, but something buried itself deep in my back. I swung my foot backward, biting back tears from the immense pain.

I hit somewhere low, hearing a grunt of pain. I bolted through the crowd, running on four limbs. My attackers chased after me, but I was faster. One of the metal creatures stood in my way. I hopped on top of it, then, without wasting a second, used its height to hop onto a roof.

I continued running, jumping occasionally when I had to to cross over to the next building. I started to get weak from what I guessed was blood loss. I stopped running and listened for voices or footsteps. I heard none.

Sweat beaded my forehead and my eyes stung from their salt. My wound from the knife stung as well. I tried to catch my breath. My throat was dry from breathing hard.

I don't know how long I lay there. Whether it be minutes, hours, I don't know.


I woke to the sound of crickets. I rubbed my eyes, looking up at the night sky. My hands were sticky with blood. But why... I tried to recall what happened earlier, or however long it has been.

Ah, right. Someone stabbed me with some sharp object. I sighed shakily and stood up. I had to regain my balance multiple times, since it was a sloped surface. I looked down from the roof, checking to see if anyone was there. Nada.

I fell down, landing on my feet. I walked on silent feet, hoping to not alarm anyone of my presence. I walked along the cold paved ground, barefoot. I walked for at least an hour, no doubt, until I came across a dead end. I was about to climb over the wall when a voice called out to me.

"What are you doing here?" It was a tiny voice that must've belonged to a young human. I daren't look back in case this person somehow recognized me. I stared at the red brick wall. I didnt respond. I will just knock him out somehow, then run.

I tried to recall what the other... people would say in a situation like this. "What of it is your business?" I asked, trying not to turn to face the speaker.

The human sighed and moved closer to me.

Without thinking, I spun around to face them.

I can easily escape this situation. Though, that doesn't change the fact that the human has seen me.

"Can you hear it too?" The question threw me off guard. I was looking for something resembling a joking manner, but found nothing.

"The voice?" I couldn't help but whisper back. Maybe. Just maybe.

"Follow me. Well, if you want to know more about them."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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