Gokigen'yo! Densetsu no Bukku, Opun!

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"The legendary warriors protecting the worlds biggest connection location... A place everyone gathered to celebrate the heros of this sacred place.... And a place to find the special individual that makes this magnificent and warm feeling overflow..."
A quiet place with a lot of shelves stuffed with all kinds of books. And in the middle of that several piles of books finished by a brown-haired girl.
"Still reading? You seem to love books like your own life. But to be honest... I appreciate that. You're the only one visits this place as a fresh-man or student in general. Everyone is just focused on the latest technology and don't care for these books which inherit all kinds of mysteries and legends..."
A woman with pink hair and white and purple bangs said as she approached the girl reading one specific book that seems old. Older than old, but still in a good shape.
"That's okay Miss Bess- I mean Ema. This book is really interesting with all the tales and myths about this feeling they talk about and the warriors that saved multiple connected world"
The woman, Ema, looks at the brown haired surprised and kind of shocked
"You... Can read it? No one could read it except for a little girl that came here 10 years ago..."
"eh? Really? Then..."
"If you want you can take it home and continue reading. I'm sure you will have a lot of fun reading it"
Ema smiles at the brown haired who looked rather confused...
She turned to the next page, but...
The book started glowing!?
Ema wasn't there anymore as the brown haired closed her eyes and found herself at a school?
Someone was fighting... Against something not identified...
But as they clash together...
The brown haired found herself back in the library...
"What in the world was that....?"
"What you just saw..."
"... Was the past... 6 years ago..."
The brown haired turned her head on the table surprised and found the origins of the voices....
One was male, the other female, but both were high pitched...
"You opened... The book of legends..."

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