Ema no himitsu! Altergeist no chie!

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"W-watashi wa Princess janai.... Watashi no namae Zaizen Aoi."
Aoi wasn't sure what to think of the situation and looks between the book and the Oreos like the first time they met.
Crazy what can happen in a high school student's life.

'this book... What is it? Why is it so important?'

"Well, you saw what happened and this was proof that you are the Princess or~"
"What happened... You mean this blue aura?"
"Hai eo~ But let's discuss this in the library eo~ or else we attract the attention of these humans here eo~"
True enough as Aoi looks around she notices some passers giving her strange looks.
Maybe only she can understand the two animals?
Too many questions were spinning and coming into her head to answer even one of them.

Following the suggestion of the fairies Aoi rushes with the two back to the library not knowing that someone specific was watching them the entire time and looking at her wrist...

"Aoi-chan. You're back fast."
Ema greets Aoi with a smile that probably could hide anything.
"E-ema-san? You're still here?"
Aoi panics a bit trying to hide the fairies, but they won't obey her and fly in every direction dodging Aoi's hands.
"It's okay Princess! She's no harm eo~"
Aoi looks confused at the fairies, then at Ema who just smiles.
"Hey, hey I might don't look like it, but I know these two for some, okay, a few hundred years."
"okay, well tha- wait... a few hundred?!"
Aoi can't believe what she's hearing and glances between the three not wanting to believe it.

"You look so young! You can't tell me that you are more than a few hundred years old!"

"Believe it or not, I am. And that these two called you princess means that you have indeed returned"
Ema bows leaving Aoi completely confused.
Tho Ema just smiles at her confusion
"But everything comes with time. You will learn the meaning of this. But I have to consequently point out that I have only a guess why the Warukoda suddenly appeared again after so long..."

Remembering the fight of the Precure against the monster, it still doesn't become clear to Aoi what everything means to be...

"But I want to know... About the meaning of these monsters, the girl that summoned it... And most importantly the whole "Princess Blue Angel" thing. And what happened before..."

"The book... It tried to warn her, right or~?"

Nodding Ema takes the book from Aoi putting it on a table and opening it at a certain page.

"This page..."
"A warrior with a rainbow colored heart and soul. Pure and clean with no tiny part of darkness and hatred. Protecting not only the love and people of this world, but also of-  her name remained unknown, but one thing claimed its right... She was the "Dimension Princess"

Before Aoi could reply, the book started glowing again and Aoi shields her eyes opening them to a somewhat unknown yet familiar scene

"This is..."
"what you have seen before... That was the beginning of the melancholy that would overrun this world and the places beyond our imagination. This... This is the center of everything, the heart of the book and dimensions."

True to Ema's words, they are in some room walls made out of deep blue crystals and five doors lined with more crystals and ornaments in different colors. But instead of looking beautiful and majestic... It looked shabby and dark. Broken crystals, chains in front of each door, washed out colors and only one light source... Light shining upon a throne. A throne overgrown by black and voilet tendrils.

Silence. Such silence, you could hear your heart saying it's terrified. Swallowed by fear... "this is terrible...."

Before Aoi could even make one step, she finds herself back in the library with Ema, but the Oreos are missing.

"The divine being that should be guarding the sacred hall and be seated at the throne, went missing as the last Precure is thought extinct from this world. And something is preventing other beings from entering the sacred hall for too long. With the vanishing of the princess, the Precure lost approximately half of their strength which concluded in their unforseen defeat. But the Warukodas also disappeared... Until now. With the awakening of you, Princess, the Warukodas are on the hunt. Why they seem intelligent enough to target you, is everything but a mystery to me."

"But if you say the divine being vanished and it's the heart of the book and everything... Why isn't everything falling apart?"

"That's a question I can't answer, my princess. You have to search for that answer yourself. But if you need information and Intel on other things, me and my Altergeists are here to help you out."

"You and your Altergeists? What are the Altergeists?"

"Let me show you, my princess. As a sorcerer and right hand of the first king, I was granted the power of the cards wielding immense power, massive knowledge and ability to obtain information from outside without getting caught"

Ema takes a book out of the shelf hidden in the dark letting a little space appear with a device and cards in it.

"This is...."

Taking them, Ema straps the device on her left wrist and putting the deck in it taking a card out.

"Legendary Silkie given the power to revive the unknown and dangerous from the depths of cemeteries."

Holding the card up it starts to glow and vanish

"Appear before us and lend me your strength! Altergeist Silquitous!"

Witnessing in awe, Aoi doesn't know what to say and looks at the now before-her-eyes manifested creature and a different looking Ema

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Witnessing in awe, Aoi doesn't know what to say and looks at the now before-her-eyes manifested creature and a different looking Ema...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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