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"are you Covenant." It said sounding distinctly male.

"What the hell is a Covenant!" Amythest shrieked.

"I want to talk to your leader." It changed the subject quickly.

Pearl spoke up from within it's grasp. "What do you want."

"I want to speak with your commanding officer and to find out who you are. And don't try to fill me, I know it's not either of you two."

"Fine I'll go get her. But if you do anything to her you'll be turned to scrap metal!"

"Better have tried." Pearl and Amythest were not expecting that. Especially not a robot with a witty response. Is it even a robot?

10 minutes later

"What happened Amythest!" Rose asked as she Amythest and Garnet ran to the bridge where Pearl was being kept hostage.

"Why are you afraid of one robot with a knife. It's not like  a knife will do anything to a gem." Garnet said

"I don't know guys I have this feeling that it could take on all of us."

They just rounded the corner of the hall leading to the bridge. They saw Pearl and then they saw the thing keeping her in a chokehold and holding a knife to her throat. It obviously doesn't know what a gem is it's not aiming for the one in her forehead.

Rose stepped forward. "I am Rose Quartz leader of the Crystal Gems."

"Crystal Gems?" It responded.

"The Crystal gems are a group of rebel gems who betrayed Homeworld over 5,000 years ago to protect this planet, and we have been doing it ever sense."

"What planet are we on. Because I have never heard of you and you aren't anywhere in the UNSC database." It replied.

"What do you mean what planet?" Garnet replied.

"I mean what planet is this.  It can't be earth or Reach. They would have sent a rescue party immediately and would have been here a long time ago! So I will ask again, WHAT COLONY IS THIS!"

Rose intervened." Please calm down, anger will only make things worse. And I don't know what you mean by colony. If you are built by humans then you should know they have only ever been to this planet."

"First I wasn't built I was born. And second which planet would that be?"

"Earth of course!" Pearl finally spoke up.

"Impossible I would have been rescued before I reached the atmosphere."

"How would you have been rescued when humans only have very limited spaceflight technology." Garnet responded.

"Limited? We've been a spacefaring race for over 500 years."

This shocked the gems until rose said something.

"What year do you think it is." Rose asked

"2538 why?"

"Because the current human year is 1999. "

This shocked the soldier so much he forgot about Pearl and dropped his knife. Pearl immediately lunged away from him and joined the others.

A new voice joined the conversation. Sounding like a human male. "Impossible traveling through time is out of the question since the geography of this planet is different and I know we didn't travel through dimensions based on the Slipspace coordinates!"

Everyone looked around for the source of the voice wondering where it came from. But the soldier just facepalmed.

The voice Piped up again this time sounding very timid.

"I screwed up didn't I."

"Yes, yes you did."


"Might as well introduce yourself. Since there's no use in hiding you anymore."

A blue hologram appeared on the man's hand. It was of a human male who looked like it was in it's mid twenties. It wore dress pants with a dress shirt and suspenders. A pair of goggles also were hanging from his neck.

"Hello I'm UNSC Smart AI designation Quasar."

"How does it act like that. I mean it almost seems like it has emotions." Pearl stated.

"Hey I'm not a thing!" He responded.

"We treat AI as if they were humans. Since they have a range of emotions and act like people. Calling them an 'It' just pisses them off and would get you reprimanded." The soldier stated.

"Thank you, now what do you want is what we want to know."

"We wanted to know whether you were a part of Homeworld. But considering your not a gem and they don't like any other race other than themselves it's safe to say your not." Garnet replied.

"And I was wondering if you would like to come with us back to Beach city for the night. You've probably gone through a lot today and probably need rest." Rose offered kindly.

He sheathed his knife and looked to Rose. "Why should I trust you. I just met you and you aren't even human. How would I know you wouldn't try and kill me the moment I dropped my gaurd."

"You have my word that we will not harm you." Rose said.

"Rose you can't possibly trust this person. I mean he just dropped out of the sky, in the middle of the night, holds me at knife point, and then says he's from the future. How could you possibly trust Him or the AI." Pearl argued.

"Because I have a feeling. I think the humans call it a gut feeling. That there is more to him then meets the eye."

"You can't be serious Rose!" Amythest argued.

"If you come with us I will answer any questions you might have. All I ask is that you answer a few of ours."

He and Quasar looked at each other. Then Quasar dissapeared and he was silent for a few moments, then spoke. "If you try anything I kill you and detonate the onboard nukes. Annihilating everything in a 150 mile radius."

"How could you build things so destructive." Pearl said.

"Thats not even all."

"What would those be." Garnet asked.

"No." He said pulling out his assault rifle. "Lead the way."

"Do you have a name." Rose asked.

"Thats classified. But you can call me Sierra-009."

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