Chapter 1: The Wisdom Tree

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Another World. Another Time. Near the end of the Age of Harmony.

The Glass Castle; home to the Ember Queens and Kings of Mithra—the world of flame. Today, a prince of the Ember King and Queen—Thurma and Asheka—has to attend his daily lessons in the galleries. "Ignus, pay attention," Fiola—one of the Ember Queens and Ignus's teacher—states.

Ignus abruptly stops playing around with the flames in the palm of his hand, staring up at Fiola in complete and utter boredom. "What?"

Fiola gives him a stern look, continuing to walk down the galleries with him, pointing towards the carvings and pictures on the rocky walls. "What do you see here?" She asks, tracing her hand over a carving of the bright crystal. Mavra—the All-Maudra—and Thurma are holding hands. A bright ball of white is carved around the intertwined hands.

"Uh ... I see Mother," Ignus says, arms crossed.

"And?" Fiola asks.

"And ... the All-Madura."

"Right. What are they doing, exactly?"

Ignus glances back at the carving and stares at their intertwined hands. "Sharing energy."

Fiola smiles and shakes her head. "Not just any energy; the pure Crystal and the bright Mother Sun's light." She walks ahead of him and gestures for him to follow. "It is imperative to learn about your past. It is what shaped your present, which will soon bring forth your future. Do you understand why I have to teach such 'boring' lessons–"

Fiola turns around and deadpans when she sees Ignus laying down on a stone bench, trying to sleep. "Ignus!"

Ignus yelps and falls off the bench. He quickly stands up and composes himself, clearing his throat. "My apologizes. I-I'm listening," He lies, smiling wide.

Fiola narrows her eyes before sighing in defeat. "I give up. We'll start lessons again tomorrow. Please, be more prepared and awake."

Ignus nods and grins slyly, feeling very happy he got himself out of lessons for the day. Fiola walked Ignus back to his room—to his disappointment. "Lady Fiola, do I have to stay in my room today?" He asks her with a pouted lip.

Fiola's long eyebrows knit together and her ears twist back. "You know the rules, Ignus. Your mother doesn't want you exploring while the Mother Sun's dim."

Ignus groans and lays flat on his bed. "Fiiine ..."

Fiola smiles and comments, "Good boy." She leaves Ignus to his own merits.

He sits back up and listens with his webbed ears to make sure Fiola is far away. He smirks deviously before searching under his pillow and finding a key. His mother had locked his balcony, knowing all too well that that was his escape root out of his room. Lucky for him, his father gave him a spare key for "emergencies."

'I'd certainly call this an emergency. Trying to find entertainment and distract my mind seems pretty dire to me,' he thinks, tip-toeing over to the glass doors and unlocking them.

He walks outside of the balacony and stares down at the dirt ground many feet below him. He hums smugly while backing up. "No problem for me."

He makes a running start towards the railing, grasping it tightly, and flipping his body up in the air before letting go. He hollers in excitement, creating flames all around his body while flying away from the castle in a large heap of fire. He turns back around to stare at his home while crossing the bridge that connected the Glass Castle and the shared village. "Haha! Easy, peasy–Oof!" He yelps, ramming into someone crossing over the main bridge.

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