Streetz Orientation

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My cousin Junior gather his crew to introduce me. I knew few of them from around the way. However, I was shocked to see this one guy from my Algebra class thou. His name is Derick. I was surprised because in class Derick is very attentive to his work. He's like one of those dude who some might refer to as a teacher pet. Wow! He really fool me though but I'm not judging because we all in this together now.

"Sup Abdul!" "What's up Derick," we shake hands then Junior told them to go back to work.

Although, I just found out about my cousin dealing drugs but I would have never guess that he got this much respect and power.

Regarding Derick, he knew I was surprised to see him here just from the look on my face.

"I know you surprised to see Derick here right?" Junior asked. "No! Why you asked?" Then he said, "Cause it's written all over your face dunderhead."

After getting to know the name of everyone in the crew, my cousin pull Omar to the side. They talked for like thirty seconds then I saw Omar handing his car keys to my cousin.

"Yo Dul!? Hype in the car nigger let's take a ride," my cousin said.

He told me to hype in the front seat because Omar was not coming.

Dang! To be honest, it felt weird at that moment because everything was moving too strength to me.

"Where are we going cuz?" I asked. "I have to show you around. You can call this the Streets orientation bruh," he said. We both laughed out loud then he drove off.

While we were going, he begin to lecture about the Streets and how the game goes.
"Listen, in this line of work there are rules. And these rules are not like regular rules like the one Aunty have posted on the refrigerator." It was kind of funny hearing him say that. "I'm sure they are not, and I'm not dumb too nigger. I know about the game."

"You May know about the game but you never play this game so let me talked." At first I thought it was funny but the look on my cousin face begins to illustrated a different vibe. "I want you to be serious because if you don't you know you can lose your life right?" He said. "Right!" I replied.

So, we talked for few minutes about the rules of the game which includes the number one on the list-No Snitching. After that he show me where to keep the crack if I want to keep it on me. He open the zipper to his pants and toke out a little knife. When he did that I was curious. Why the freak is he unzipping his pants and taking out a knife. Then he toke the little knife and cut the back part of his zipper open.
"Do you see this?" He asked then I answered, "Yeah, what's up?" "Just in case you want to keep the crack on you, this is where you want to keep it." Another shocker for me. I really feel dumb right now.

I was speechless from seeing where he actually keep his crack. I would have never thought about this. "Dang cousin, this's a smart ass move," I said.

He could see the excitement on my face and knew I was ready. But I could tell that he don't want me to be too excited but to be careful.

Next, he toke me around the corner of Greenway Ave. "You see this block right here?" "Yeah, sup with it?" I asked. "This is the Asian block right here; which means, you not allow to make any sale here." "Why?" "What do you mean why? because we don't want no beef with them, you feel me?" "Yeah I got you."

Out of curiosity I decided to asked him a question, "So let say I'm walking towards our territory right, and a fiend walk up to me and asked me for some, what should I do?" "Then you serve him if none of the Asian around but you cannot stand there and do it. Just tell the fiend to walk with you, aight!" "Got it."

After that, he drove down sixty fifth and Greenway Ave then he made a right turn on sixty fifth, went straight down passed Woodland and made a stop on Paschall Ave.

"This area right here belong to the Black's crew." "Who is dat?" "These nigger you have to watch out for because they don't play no game," he said with a straight face. "Listen, I am not telling you to be afraid of anyone but I want you to be smart if you want to take home the money I bring home without a problem, Okay?" "I feel you cousin," I replied.

After showing me the Black's crew territory, we drove back to our territory. When we got there I was trying to get out of the car but he stop me and said, "hold on I have to give you something." I closed the door and watched him open the glove compartment then he pulled out a Smith and Wesson Nine millimeter. "Here, this is yours," he said.

Whoa!! What the freak, I thought to myself. Why is he handing me a gun. I'm here to sell crack and make money not to kill people.

When he handing me the gun at first, I refused it. "You crazy manh?" He said with an angry face. "What if the cop catch up to me?" "Then make sure the cops don't catch up with you, but you going to need this being out here." "Dang manh!!" I said while covering my eyes with both hands. "So what you think you was getting into huh?" "I thought I'm here to sell not to kill people." "Well, let me tell you the truth either you keep this on you or you get kill when the wrong nigger approach you, so what is it going to be?" "Aight Mahn. Just give me, I don't even know how to shoot," I said. "I will show you." Then he added, "If you want to quit now is the time but once you're in then there is no turn back."

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