Fashion Forward

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Roman and Patton had planned on going out to drink. Roman was trying to convince Virgil and Logan to come as Patton got dressed. 

"Oh come on you worry Worts. Let's go have a grand time!" Logan starred at Roman. "I simply don't see any reason go. There's no point in going out and doing something harmful to our bodies." Roman groaned looking to Virgil. 

"Hey pal-" 

"Imma stop you right there Princy. I have to interest in going out and being the sober friend to drive you and your equally drunk boyfriend home as you make out in the back seat. So thanks but not thanks." Roman began stuttering and stammering. Trying think of something to say. 

Patton had walked out the room and was watching the conversation from the doorway. "Come one kiddo, we wont be that bad." Patton said catching everyone's attention.

He was wearing a baby blue crop top and some light ink short shorts. And a pair of pale blue platform crocks. Roman looked him over. Once. Twice. He could not believe his eyes.

While Roman was about to go for a lighter approach Virgil began to laugh. "Great job Patton. Love the outfit." Patton simply giggled. "Thanks, that kind of reaction is what I was going for." 

Roman slowly walked up to Patton. "You're not really going to wear those out, are you?" Roman said with a shaky laugh. Patton held his ground with a smile. "Why? What's wrong with them?" Roman looked to the others for help, but they just looked back at him. "You can't just...wear platform cocks...and expect it to be okay." He said trying not to hurt the others feelings.

But Patton didn't waver. "Why not?" Roman sighed. "Because I am not yet drunk enough yet to find it okay." Patton held his hand over his chest mocking offence. Roman looked worried until Patton stuck a dramatic pose. Leaning against the wall his arms bent over his head with one foot up on the wall. "You don't have to be drunk. You just have to be fashion forward!" Then he sashayed out to the door. "I'll be in the car~!" 

Roman looked to the other two in shock. Virgil let loose another cry of laughter. "Did my boyfriend just tell me I'm not fashion forward?" Roman said. "In crocks no less." Logan stated. 

Virgil got up, motioning for Logan to get up too. That had convince Virgil to go, but no way was he going alone. "Have to say I side with him." Virgil said with one final chuckle as he went for the door. 

Roman began stammering again wondering what was happing. "Are you coming?" Roman let out a loud sigh and left with them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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