Chapter 14: After the Mall date day

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It was a very tiring day, Haechan literally dragging Mark around the whole mall, Yuta and Sicheng went to another part of the Mall, and Doyong and Taeil were just hanging out, walking with hands interlocked with each other, not even minding each other's presence.

They had some dinner at the food court, and they decided to go home.

"Um, can I get a ride with you?" Taeil asked.

"Yeah, you don't have anyone to pick you up?" Doyoung asked.

"Y-yea, I kinda got here by an uber," Taeil said.

"Oh, okay, I don't mind," Doyoung replied, smiling at the boy.

Gong Myung came to pick Doyoung up, welcoming Taeil.

"So where do you live?" Doyoung's brother asked Taeil.

"t-this address," Taeil stuttered, well, no shit, he is in the same car as his future boyfriend and future famous actor in-law.

"Oh okay," Gong Myung replied, smiling at Taeil.

They drove to Taeil's house, dropping the boy off.

"Alright, bye, see you!" Doyoung said, waving at the boy through the window.

"Bye," Taeil replied, smiling back.

The two drove off, going back home. Doyoung put his stuff down, going to bed, it's been a long day for the boy.


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