Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Senior year; the day you feel that you have waited an eternity for to arrive. Not a single student attending Arbington High wasn't excited for their senior year. Every single naive teenager eagerly awaiting adulthood. Then as soon as they encounter it, they wish they were in high school again.

A town like Arbington, a town so small can be tedious at times. Students want to break through the barrier, go to college in the big city or even just a different small town.

A town like Arbington is familiar. A town so small, everyone knows each others names. The epitome of suburban living. So senior year tended to be a big deal to the Arbington students. Being able to leave the small town, move somewhere all the neighbours don't know your secrets. Big or small.Your mistakes.

You can start fresh. A blank canvas to splatter all sorts of colours on. Colours of your choice. Colours that they could now change if they wanted to.

It's not all bad in a small town like Arbington. Though privacy is scarce, and word travels fast, you could never find a community quite as close knit as this one.

That's why when Gertrude, the janitor that worked at the high school, cleaning up after teenagers all day, whether it be bathrooms, the gym, hallways or locker rooms spilled her mop bucket over for the first time in fifteen years.

Having worked as a janitor for most of her life, Gertrude was used to all sorts of messes. Especially being a high school janitor. Sick students, puking out horrendous things soon became nothing to her. But what she saw that day, was a mess she wasn't familiar with.

Gertrude's scream echoed through the school halls. Hoards of students were outside, already huddled into their groups, no idea of what the year would hold. How eventful their senior year would really be.

Most of the nearby staff had started to make their way to the library bathroom. Gertrude's mouth hung open, tears formed in her eyes and bile started to rise up in her throat. Shards of glass; mirror lying all over the bland linoleum. She was growing so tired of the bland linoleum in all of the bathrooms. Except for that day, that day she had wished she had walked into that bathroom and had seen that monotonous, bland linoleum. Instead, what she saw was the same old linoleum stained with blood. Dark blood, some of it dry and some of was still wet, pooling in the grout.

Before she could scream again or call for help she could feel herself grow dizzy, her sight growing dim, and soon the principle accompanied by two female staff members found Gertrude the janitor passed out on the bathroom floor.

The female staff members shrieked, tears dripping down their cheeks. One covered her mouth at the horror as she looked to the man in charge who seemed to be just as clueless.

"T-thats Mandy." One of the teacher's cried, "She was one of my best students."

The principle shook his head, disgusted that someone would kill a teenage girl in her high school bathroom. What could Mandy have possibly done wrong to deserve something this horrendous? Of course no one would know, excepts her and the masked stranger.

"Call 911." The principle finally said.

Mandy's mousy brown hair was stained with blood. Her body was limp and blue, utterly lifeless. A shard of mirror stuck right through her chest.

"What do you think about this one?" Hazel asked her sister.

"Hazel, the last five outfits were great. Now could you please hurry up, I really don't want to be late on the first day of senior year." Addison said.

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